Blood products when to use them and how to avoid them:(血液制品何时使用以及如何避免它们).pdfVIP

Blood products when to use them and how to avoid them:(血液制品何时使用以及如何避免它们).pdf

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R52 R E F R E S H E R C O U R S E O U T L I N E Blood products: when to use them and how to Jean-Francois Hardy MDFRCPC, Sylvain Belisle MDFRCPC, avoid them Danielle Robitaille Mo ~RCPC "Blood transfusion is like marriage: it should not approximately 1in 200,000 per unit. 8Ninety percent have be entered upon lightly, unadvisedly or wantonly, a self-limited .course (the majority, asymptomatic), five or more often than is absolutely necessary" to ten percent will progress to a chronic state (half become R.W. Beal I asymptomatic carriers), and 1% will have a fulminant form of hepatitis (mortality >50%). In Canada, the Before the advent of the acquired immune deficiency syn- numbers are similar. During the past three years, only drome (AIDS), blood transfusion was felt to be an almost one case of Hepatitis B-PTH has been reported by the benign process and the use of blood products increased Montreal Blood Centre for 900,000 blood products trans- steadily, to the point where blood component preparation fused (Gilles Delage, Canadian Red Cross Society Blood could barely keep pace with increasing demand for blood Centre in Montrral, personal communication). Assuming products. Then, AIDS modified the perception of the that only 25% of infections are symptomatic, this results safety of blood



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