英语四六级考试翻译模拟题型-三中全会 秧 歌 川剧(含参考 答案).doc

英语四六级考试翻译模拟题型-三中全会 秧 歌 川剧(含参考 答案).doc

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三中全会 The Third Plenary Session of the CPC 11th Central Committee held at the end of 1978 represented a profound turning point in the history of new China. Since the launch of the Reform and Opening-up Policy, initiated by Deng Xiaoping, in 1979, major efforts have been made to readjust the economic structure, and reform the economic and political systems. China is, step by step, establishing a road with Chinese characteristics, a road that will lead to socialist modernization. Great changes have come about in China since 1979. The situation in the country is the best ever, and the people are enjoying more material benefits than ever before. 秧歌舞是中国汉族的一种传统民间舞蹈,通常在北方省份表演。秧歌舞通常穿上明亮多彩的表演服装,他们的表演动作有力而迅速。在农历春节,元宵节等节日期间,人们一旦听到锣鼓声,不管天气有多冷,他们都会蜂拥到街上观看秧歌舞表演。近年来,中国东北某些城市的老人自发组织了秧歌队,队员常年通过跳秧歌舞来保持健康,同时他们也乐在其中。 The Yangko dance is a traditional folk dance of the Han Chinese, commonly performed in the northern provinces. Yangko dancers usually wear bright and colorful costumes, and their movements are vigorous and quick. During holidays such as lunar New Year and the Lantern Festival, as soon as people hear the sound of drums and gongs they swarm into the streets to watch Yangko dance performance, no matter how cold it is outside. In recent years, elderly people in some cities in Northeast China have been organizing themselves into Yangko teams, with the dances mostly enjoying themselves while keeping fit all year round. 川剧就像四川火锅以及其他的名菜一样动人、丰富。变脸是川剧中的一大亮点。据说古人在他们的脸上作画,以便赶走野生动物。川剧吸收了这一古老的技艺并将其升华为一门艺术。变脸是一门神奇的艺术。演员在不到20秒的时间内要换十多次脸谱。通过举手、摆袖或摇头,演员使用不同的脸庞来表现不同的情绪,并通过看得见的脸谱表达出看不见摸不着的感情。 Sichuan Opera (Chuan Ju), like hot-pot and other famous Sichuan dishes, is exciting and rich. Face Changing is the highlight of Sichuan Opera. It is said that ancient people painted their faces to drive away wild animals. Sichuan Opera absorbs this ancient skill and perfects it into an art. Face Changing is a magical art. Actors change more than 10 masks in less than seconds. By raising the hand, swingi


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