Foot and Mouth Disease - the server课件.pptVIP

Foot and Mouth Disease - the server课件.ppt

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Foot and Mouth Disease Trina Johnson, Cari Ostrom, Carolyn Ritter, Craig Spray, and Lindsay Wilson What is Foot and Mouth? Acute viral infectious disease Begins with fever, followed by the development of vesicles on mouth and feet Very infectious and spreads rapidly Wild and domesticated cloven hoofed animals are affected Rarely fatal, but pregnant animals often abort and dairy cattle may dry up Illustration Universal Symptoms of Foot and Mouth Disease Shivering Tender and sore feet Slobbering and smacking lips Blisters on hoof, feet, snout, or tongue Illustration Clinical disease and diagnosis All species of cloven-hoofed animals are susceptible to FMD, including domestic livestock and wild ungulates. Clinical signs are essentially similar in all species although the severity may vary. Specific signs in Cattle Slobbering and smacking lips Shivering Tender and sore feet Reduced milk yield Sores and blisters on feet Raised body temperature Specific signs in Sheep Sudden, severe lameness Lying down frequently and unwillingness to rise Reluctance to move Blisters found on the hoof, dental pad and sometimes tongue Specific signs in Swine Sudden lameness Preference to lie down Loud squeal and hobbling when set into motion Blisters may develop on snout, tongue and/or hoof Important!! Swine Vesicular Disease has identical symptoms to FMD. Therefore anyone who sees blisters in pigs must report the sighting as suspected FMD, until laboratory tests prove otherwise. How it’s spread! Although there are numerous ways this disease can be spread, three surface to the top. Most predominant paths of transmission are….. Human intervention Animal to Animal contact Airborne transmission Human intervention People wearing contaminated clothing, or footwear Using contaminated equipment I.e. veterinary tools, shovels, etc. Contaminated vehicles traveling from farm to farm Using contaminated facilities to house susceptible animals Animal to Animal contact Animals carrying the vi


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