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毕 业 论 文 题目名称: 经济型酒店的发展分析 ——以南京七天连锁酒店为例 学生姓名: 学 号: 系/专业: 旅游管理专业 班 级: 指导教师: 2012年5月20日 摘 要 随着我国市场经济的不断发展, 我国的旅游市场也蓬勃发展, 这对于饭店业、 酒店业环境、价格、服务等方面提出了更高的要求。而以价格便宜、功能突出、 简单方便为特点的经济型酒店就我国应运而生了。饭店业的市场需求不断增大, 经济型酒店成为酒店业发展的热点领域,并有着巨大的发展潜力,人们对经济型 酒店的需求也越来越大。经济型酒店的市场份额不断扩大,并且拥有巨大的网络 平台支持,其发展也日趋成熟。但是我国经济型酒店拥有良好发展机遇的同时也 面临很大的挑战。 本文通过对经济型酒店的定义,发展现状,发展趋势以及目前经济型酒店面临的机遇与挑战等方面进行分析,并且以南京七天连锁酒店为例,通过对七天连锁酒店介绍和对南京七天连锁酒店进行SWOT分析,得出七天连锁经济型酒店的发展史,发展现状和发展的趋势。并且根据SWOT分析得出七天连锁酒店在南京市场中的优势,劣势以及机遇和威胁,以此提出对南京七天连锁酒店今后发展过程中的一些对策,为其快速稳步的发展提供良好的发展路径。 关键词:经济型酒店,发展,南京七天连锁,SWOT分析 Abstract Along with the development of market economy, our country's tourism market is booming, the hotel industry for environment, price and service, put forward higher request. And the price is cheap, simple and convenient for outstanding features, the characteristics of our country economy hotel will emerge as The Times require. The hotel industry market demand increase, and become the hospitality industry economy hotel the hot fields, and has a great potential of development, the people to the needs of the economy hotel are getting more and more serious. The market share of the Economy hotel is expanding constantly, and has a huge network platform support, its development has become more and more mature. But our country economy hotel has the good development opportunities at the same time also faces great challenges. This article through to the definition of economy hotel, development situation, development trend and present economy hotel of the opportunities and challenges, analyzed and seven days in Nanjing hotel chain as an example, through to seven days hotel chains introduction and seven days of Nanjing hotel chain SWOT analysis, we can get seven days economy hotel chain, the history of development


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