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第一部分????? 交际用语1.-Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?-C_2. –What kind of TV program do you like best?-- A 3.-Oh, sorry to bother you.-C. 4.-Can you turn down the radio, please?-A. 5. --Would you mind if I open the window for a better view? -- C6. – Hello, could I speak to Don please?--B 7. --May I know your address?-- A 8. — How’s the movie? Interesting??—B 9. — What if my computer doesn’t work? —B 10. --Let’s take a walk. -- C?11、– What’s the problem, Harry?- A?. 12. — Is this the motel you mentioned?—A?. 13. -Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? -B?. 14.–Well, Mary, how are you?-- C?. 15. — Would you like to see the menu?—A?. 16. -- I think the Internet is very helpful.-- A?. 17.I think the Internet is very helpful.-- _A_ 18.I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.__C__ 19.Afternoon, sir. Where to?__A__ 20.— Can I help you to get it down????? ?C? 21.— I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no answer.?D? 22.— Are you sure about that?— ?D??? 23.— Would you like to see the menu???A?? 24.— What if my computer doesn’t work?— ??B? 25.— How’s the movie? Interesting?— ???????C? 26.— Is this the motel you mentioned???B??? 第部分 词汇与结构1. The difinition leaves _ B? for disagreement.?? 2. I prefer classic music B? pop music. 3. Ancient Greece is the C of western civilization.?????? 4. It is very convenient A? here. 5. All the team members tried their best. We lost the game, C . 6. The sun heats the earth, C is very important to living things. 8. More and more people in China now _A_ to work regularly. 9. Let me _B_ the case carefully before I draw a conclusion. 10. The patient acted on the doctor’s _C_ and finallyrecovered. 11. Silk _A? by Chinese for thousands of years now. 12. You _B to lock the door at night.??????? 13. You must explain __C_ how they succeeded ___ the experiment. 14. Before I got to the cinema, the film_A? ? 15. I have lived here __B__ 1997. 16. A lecture hall is __B_ where students attend lectures.???? 17. I’m tired.


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