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(2011届) 毕业论文(设计) 题 目: 5S管理在上海xx公司的初步实施探讨 姓  名:               专  业:   工商管理   班  级:     信 明 论文作者签名: 签名日期: 年 月 日 授 权 声 明5s管理来提高企业的基础管理工作,解决企业面临的一系列管理问题。 上海春洲公司的生产现场管理问题比较严重,主要表现在企业对“人员”、“物料”、“设备”、。方法”和。流程”五大生产要素缺乏有效的控制.要素失控导致企业的产品质量不稳定,生产成本居高不下,生产效率无法提高等,这些问题困扰着企业的正常经营。人是主要原因,表现为企业经营者忽视现场管理,企业员工缺乏对生产认真负责的态度。生产现场管理基础的薄弱直接或间接地引发了企业其他五个方面的管理问题。由于5S管理在营造安全、规范的工作环境,降低成本,提高效率,促进作业标准化,提升企业形象,提升产品品质、员工品质方面作用显著,因此,实施5S管理是解决企业现场问题的良好开端和有效方法。5S管理是基础管理的基础,是企业迈向成功的保障。本文对5S加工企业管理的内容5S对改善企业基础管理的作用做了相关阐述。 关键词:ABSTRACT Foundational management is necessary condition to all enterprise’s survival and development,and the precondition and basic to operate other management methods.The research has showed that soille machining enterprises are in a poor condition,the key reason is that there is an inefficient foundational management in a enterprises.It has been found in the following four aspects,which a the poor basic management in manufacture,the lagging in Human resource management,the less expedite information communication,the dropping behind of new concepts and methods. The production management in site is the keystone of the foundational management of a machining enterprises,the analysis is made in this thesis on the production management in site of the ChunZhou industry company.Based on the research, the thesis has studied the actual production managements of ChouZhou industry company.and put forward that the 5S managements should be implemented to improve the foundational management in enterprises,and thus could solve the other management problems which had faced on. The research has showed that there are some serious problems in the management in site.The common problems lure that the enterprise is lack of the inefficient control in the 5 basic production factors:human,material,equipment, method and flow,which had resulted to a poor production quality,the higher cost,the lower efficiency and so on,and the human is the core point.It


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