生肖animal sign.ppt

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生肖animal sign

子zi3鼠shu3 23-1 丑chou3牛niu2 1-3 寅yin2虎hu3 3-5 卯mao3兔tu4 5-7 辰chen2龙long2 7-9 巳si4蛇she2 9-11 午wu3马ma3 11-13 未wei4羊yang2 13-15 申shen1猴hou2 15-17 酉you3鸡ji1 17-19 戌wu4狗gou3 19-21 亥hai4猪zhu1 21-23 four pillars destiny 四柱八字si4zhu4ba1zi4 生辰八字sheng1chen2ba1zi4 天干tian1gan1 地支di4zhi1 match or not match 合he2 or 冲chong4 冲in conflict with 属蛇的和属猪的犯commit冲。 adj. strong of smell 味道很冲。 full of vigour 说话很冲。 prep. towards to 冲我说话 rat鼠shu3 鼠目eye寸1/3 decimeter光light shu3mu4cun4guang1 shortsighted,cannot see beyond one’s nose 胆小cowardly如as鼠 dan3xiao3ru2shu3 as timid as a mouse 过cross街street老鼠,人人everyone喊shout打hit a person hated by everyone ox牛niu2 九牛一毛hair jiu3niu2yi4mao2 a drop in the ocean 对towards牛弹play琴musical instrument dui4niu2tan2qin2 preach to deaf ears 吴牛喘gasp for breath月 wu2niu2chuan3yue4 fear of the moon due to mistaking it for the sun/heat 牛头不对not match马嘴 niu2tou2bu2dui4ma3zui3 irrelevant tiger虎hu3 虎头head start蛇尾tail end hu3tou2she2wei3 anticlimax 狐假make use of虎威frightful hu2jia3hu3wei1 strut in borrowed plumes 虎头虎脑 hu3tou2hu3nao3 looking dignified and strong for children rabbit兔tu4 狡cunning兔三窟cave jiao3tu4san1ku1 a foxy person has more than one hideout 守keep watch株stub待wait兔 shou3zhu1dai4tu4 Wait for windfalls 兔死dead狐fox悲sorrow tu4si3hu2bei1 Feel sad for the loss of one’s kind, sympathy 龙long2 龙马精神lively long2ma3jing1shen2 vigorous spirit of the aged 叶公好like龙 ye4gong1hao4long2 Professed love of what one actually fears 来龙去脉veins lai2long2qu4mai4 Cause and effect,context 画draw龙点point睛eye hua4long2dian3jing1 make the finishing point snake蛇she2 画draw蛇添add足foot hua4she2tian1zu2 gild the lily 打草grass惊蛇 act rashly and alert the enemy 杯wineglass弓bow蛇影shadow bei1gong1she2ying3 self-created suspision horse马ma3 马到arrive成功 ma3dao4cheng2gong1 success immdiately upon arrival


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