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提 要 目的:本研究以椎动脉型颈椎病患者经颅多普勒(TCD)和症状体征积分为客观 指标,观察运用“风池透睛明指针推拿法”为主治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的临床疗效,并 探讨其作用机理。方法:将入选的 60 例患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,其中治疗组 30例,对照组30例。治疗组采用“风池透睛明指针推拿法为主”进行治疗,对照组 采用口服西比灵治疗。治疗后根据TCD和症状、体征积分的变化进行综合评价。结果: 两组治疗前后在 TCD 以及症状体征评分方面均有非常显著性差异(P0.01),治疗后 VA(s)、VA(d)以及 BA(s)组间比较无显著性差异(P0.05),治疗后 BA(d)组 间比较具有显著性差异(P0.05),治疗后VA(m)、VA(PI)、Ba(m)、BA(PI)、症 状体征评分组间比较具有非常显著性差异(P0.01),治疗组总有效率为 100%,对 照组总有效率为96.67%,治疗组优于对照组。结论:“风池透睛明指针推拿法为主” 治疗椎动脉型颈椎病在 TCD、症状体征评分以及总有效率方面均优于西比灵。“风池 透睛明指针推拿法为主” 治疗椎动脉型颈椎病比单纯口服西比灵在疗效方面优势明 显。本方法具有操作简单,安全,无毒副作用,易于被患者接受并可有效预防复发等 特点,可以作为患者较理想的治疗方法,值得大力推广。 关键词 风池透睛明;指针推拿法;椎动脉型颈椎病;临床研究 Clinical Research on the Treatment of Cervical spondylosis of Vertebral artery type (CSA )by applying the finger pointing method “ penetrating Fengchi to Jingming”as the main Tuina Method. Speciality: Acupuncture and Moxibustion Author:He Yong Song Tutor: Wang Daoquan Abstract Objective: Based on the objective indicators of scoring the TCD and symptoms, to study the clinical effect of applying “penetrating fengchi to jingming with finger pointing”as the main method to treat Cervical spondylosis of Vertebral artery type (CSA ) and explore the mechanism. Methods: 60 patients diagnosed as Cervical spondylosis of Vertebral artery type (CSA )were divided into two groups at random. Among them ,the test group(30) treated by “penetrating fengchi to jingming with finger pointing” as the main method ;the control group(30) treated by Sibelium Medicine Treatment .The difference in improvement of TCD ,symptoms and physical signs was observed between the patients of two groups after therapy. Results:There are remarkable differences in the improvement of TCD, symptoms and physical signs between the two groups after therapy (p 0.01), and no obvious differenc


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