《运营管理(双语)》Chap00-Course Introduction(new).pdf

《运营管理(双语)》Chap00-Course Introduction(new).pdf

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Operations Management Course Introduction Zhang Yan Contact Information  Email: Yan.zhang@  Office: Rm 314, Management Building  Personal background Sention Goals Syllabus review Course resource Basis of grade Element for success Syllabus review  Course description  Course objective  Courses content  Textbook and other reference Course description Improving the operations of both manufacturing and service organizations. Techniques from quality, learning, forecasting, process design, scheduling, waiting lines, inventory and MRP are utilized . Underlying principles such as trade-off analysis, Pareto, process control, and optimization of resource usage are emphasized throughout . The objective is for the student to understand how organizations actually achieve results and how to identify opportunities to improve their operations. Main Text Book Operations Management, 11th edition, William Stevenson, Mark Cotteleer, Natalie Simpson, published by McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc., 2011 7 Course Content Class Slides Share 课件下载:百度云网盘 /s/1gdfAyVD Internet Resource  在线学习中心  http://highered.mcgraw- /sites/0073525251/student_vi ew0/index.html Basis of grade Assignments– 10% Class Discussion– 10% Group Presentation – 10% Practice Report – 10% Final Exam –60% Assignments  Multiple Choice Quiz as self assessment  Excel Practice  Send your result to lm_dlmu@126.com S t u d e n 12 t S lm_dlmu@126.com 务必填上你的学号 lm_dlmu@126.com 13 小组PPT讲演要求  1、小组自由组合,人数4-6人。成立后选小组长, 商定组名,报至班级学委处。  2、题目随堂公布,可自由报名,或指派。  3、精心准备PPT ,图文并茂,清晰简单。  4 、每组5分钟,超时扣分,超时3分钟强行中断。  5、小组报告PPT发送至lm_dlmu@126.com  具体要求:  主题:Report_报告主题名_ 小组名。 • eg :R


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