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(2011届) 毕业论文(设计) 题 目:浙江三星造纸股份有限公司诚信文化建设探讨 姓  名:                  专  业:   工商管理     班  级:     授权声明 学校有权保留送交论文(设计)的原件,允许论文(设计)被查阅和借阅,学校可以公布论文(设计)的全部或部分内容,可以影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文(设计),学校必须严格按照授权对论文(设计)进行处理不得超越授权对论文(设计)进行任意处置。 论文(设计)作者签名: 签名日期: 年 月 日 摘 要 诚信伦理是中华民族传统美德,也是企业的道德基础。信用是市场经济的一块基石。实际上它是维系市场主体平等交易的基本原则。在市场经济社会,“无信不立”是一个不可动摇的原则在企业价值观的塑造中,“诚”是企业聚心之魂,“信”是企业立足之本,诚信理念是企业文化建设的重点之一。深入挖掘我国传统诚信伦理思想及其内涵,对于加强我国企业诚信文化建设,促进我国社会主义市场经济的健康发展具有非常重要的现实意义 关键词:企业诚信;诚信文化建设;诚信缺失 Abstract Integrity ethics is not only the traditional Chinese virtue but also the ethic foundation of corporations. Credit is one of the cornerstones of market economy. Actually, it’s the basic principle to maintain the equal trading of the marketing subjects. “No integrity, No survival” is the principle with absolutely no compromising in the market economy society. During the construction of the corporation values, “HONESTY” is the key; “TRUST” is the foundation, integrity concept is one the key points of the construction of the corporation culture. Deeply digging the traditional Chinese integrity ethics and its core meanings will have the extremely important reality meaning to reinforce the construction of corporation integrity culture; promote the healthy development of socialist market economy. Integrity is the necessary requirement of market economy. In the modern market economy, integrity is the invisible asset, productivity of corporations and also the core competitiveness. However, lacking of integrity is a common problem of corporations nationwide now. This article is about the how this problem will behave, why it happens and how to solve it. Also, with the examples analysis, it proposes some relative solutions to enhance the corporation core competiveness. Key Words: Corporate Integrity; Construction of Integrity Culture; Lack of Integrity 目录 1引言 1 2企业诚信文化理论研究 2 2.


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