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外資金融機構在香港和上海的 業務情況和前景 羅祥國 滬港發展聯合研究所 Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Institute 二零一零年十一月 滬港發展聯合研究所 研究專論第二十七號 作者簡介 羅祥國博士,香港浸會大學經濟系客座教授、全國政協委員、香港 亞太研究所經濟政策研究計畫主任 。 2010 羅祥國 下載網址: .hk/shkdi/OP/OP27.pdf 外資金融機構在香港和上海的 業務情況和前景 Business Development and Prospects of Foreign Financial Institutions in Hong Kong and Shanghai 摘要 中國國務院於 2009 年4 月正式宣布到 2020 年,將上海建成為 中國經濟實力和人民幣國際地位相適應的國際金融中心。作為國際 金融中心,外資金融機構可以參予那些金融業務,以及它們佔有多 少市場,都是主要的指標。 外資在香港的金融業務,是完全不受限制的,並主導了各環節, 佔市場超過 70% 。在另一方面,上海雖然已逐步開放金融業,但外 資仍是在一個非常封閉的環境內運作,至今佔市場不超過 10% 。 就上海發展成為國際金融中心的策略,香港的金融市塲結構並 不是適當的參考模式,而東京的模式則較為可取。上海應把外資的 市場佔有率控制在20% 至30%之間,繼續把本資企業做大做強, 並 擴大人民幣和美元的國際性業務;在這過程中,維護國家的金融安 全也是上海的首要任務。 Abstract The Chinese Government announced in April 2009 that Shanghai would develop as an international financial centre by 20 20 in commensurable to Mainland’s economic strength and the international position of RMB. As an international financial centre, two major indicators would be what kind of business activities that foreign financial institutions are allowed to engage in and what are their market shares in these activities. In Hong Kong, there have been no restrictions against the operation of foreign financial institutions. In fact, they dominate every major activity and have market shares over 70%. As for Shanghai, though the market has been gradually liberalized, foreign financial institutions are still operating within a very restricted environment. Their market shares are less than 10%. Regarding the strategy for Shanghai to dev elop as an internat


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