典范英语2a Lesson1Monkeys Tricks 课件.ppt

典范英语2a Lesson1Monkeys Tricks 课件.ppt

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Floppy Guess who are they? Kipper Dad Chip Biff Mum What animals can you see in the zoo? What are they? Monkeys. 小小模仿王, 语音我最强! Listen and read Eyes on your book Ears to listen Finger to point Mouth to read out What animals did the children see in the zoo? giraffes seals crocodiles parrots elephants monkeys 猜词大赛 我最厉害 动物园 zoo 鹦鹉 parrot 孩子们 children 大象 elephant 海豹 seal 鳄鱼 crcodile 高 tall 长颈鹿 giraffe 吵 noisy 猴子 monkey 睡着了 asleep 看到了;看着 look at 饿了 hungry 寻找 look for 滑稽 funny 看上去像 look like Can you read? zoo tall seal looked at looked for oo;i-e looked like oo all ea oo;? oo;or Can you read? hungry hun gry funny fun ny noisy noi sy asleep a sleep children chil dren Can you read? giraffe gi ra crocodile cro co parrot par rot elephant e le monkey mon key ffe dile phant ognoisywaf gzohungryi Iglookvlike okparrothd obasleepvq doqsealcp ohnadfunny okelephanta noisy asleep hungry seal look like funny Hidden Words parrot elephant zoo 动物园 noisy 吵 children 孩子们 asleep 睡着了 seal 海豹 hungry 饿了 tall 高 looked for 寻找 looked like 看上去像 looked at 看到了;看着 giraffe 长颈鹿 monkey 猴子 elephant 大象 funny 滑稽 parrot 鹦鹉 crocodile 鳄鱼 典范英语2a 教学课件 如遇课件中视频、音频无法正常播放,请在网站联系上传者索取完整版本。 如需与课件配套的教学设计、随堂练习,请与上传者联系索取。 典范英语课程 2a Lesson 1 Monkeys Tricks 本期学习内容 《典范英语》2a 本期学习内容 故 事 A 文 化 D 典范2a 30个有趣牛津阅读树故事 世界文化扩展视野 单 词 B 通过拼读和阅读 在故事中高效学单词 歌 曲 C 6首英文儿歌 模仿表演 英语能力 词汇积累 理解能力 故事听写 语句拓展 学习小标兵 提早到,早准备; 认真听,勤回答; 做作业,保质量; 及复习,及预习; 我学习,我成长! Warm up song 典范英语主人公介绍 Robinson’s Family Dad Mom Chip Biff Floppy Kipper playing sports walking Floppy good at DIY 7 years old playing football dreaming to be a geologist loving the color red hairy like digging, swimming and sleeping dislike taking a bath playful fun willing to help 7 years old dreaming to be an artist loving the color blue 4 years old dreaming to be an astronaut loving the color orange Wilma Wilf’s sister. a brave girl; a girl with strange ideas Wilf Wilma’s little brother. dreaming to be firman. Mrs. May Children’s favorite teacher * * 本学期通过这些方面的内容,我们将要进行哪些能力的培


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