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Market Hotspots 行情热点 中国嘉德2010秋拍:力推二十世纪中国油画先驱 China Guardian Autumn Auction: Striving to promote the first session in China dedicated to st Chinese oil painting pioneers in the 21 century 文_李艳锋  By Li Yanfeng On November 17th, the first session in China dedicated to Chinese oil painting pioneers in the 21st century will be launched during the 2010 China Guardian Autumn Auction. As the earliest excavator for the market of artworks by oil painting pioneers in the 21st century, China Guardian had made many efforts in the information sorting and excavation early in 1994 when it was founded, and conducted much active exploration in the cultivation and development for this market, and made great contributions to the effort to guide collectors collecting from the perspective of art history. And this “Exploration and Foundation – Session Dedicated to Chinese Oil Painting Pioneers in the 21st Century” is a demonstration of the outlook and level of Chinese oil painting pioneers of the 21st century in the skeleton of the art history, launched by China Guardian after conducting meticulous research and analysis for such a market over many years, and by gathering the outstanding artwork examples of the first and second generations of oil painting masters. 徐悲鸿 国殇 1934 年 纸本素描 徐悲鸿 北方农夫 48 ×63.5cm 40 年代 木板油画 30.5 ×18.2cm 从 11 月 17 日开始,国内首场二十世纪中国油画先驱专场 主的精神,而这正是处于那个动荡不安中的民族所渴望和亟需 即将亮相中国嘉德 2010 秋季拍卖会。作为二十世纪油画先驱作 的。他们的出走不仅仅是一场简单的艺术寻梦,而是一个民族 品市场的最早挖掘者,中国嘉德自 1994 年成立之初就在梳理与 忍辱负重、发奋图强的过程,英雄多出于乱世,艺术救国是个 挖掘方面做了诸多工作,为二十世纪油画先驱作品市场的培育 个新青年心中共有的抱负。此次“开拓与奠基——二十世纪中 与发展,以及在引导藏家以艺术史的线索去收藏等方面做了诸 国油画先驱专场”重点推介的中国第一代和第二代油画名家在 多积极的探索。而此次“开拓与奠基——二十世纪中



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