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城市雕塑这一艺术性的空间环境分割线,创造出巧妙的流动空间。后工业化文明创造出城市,但城市又成为后工业化时代的奴隶与附庸。“城市居民丧失了接触自然环境和使人精神振奋的条件”,水泥、钢铁、玻璃等建筑材料无法摆脱的僵硬、冷漠感,使城市雕塑在空间环境内起到了适当的调和效果。城市雕塑规划中城雕作品放置数量与规模也要做到疏密有致,位置要考虑充分,做到恰到好处,过多过少都不是适当的做法。摆放过多挤占了城市太多的空间且引起视觉的繁乱,太少则缺乏了城市的艺术美,使雕塑作品的审美功效不能够完美展现。城市雕塑作品摆放适当合理,在整个城市景观环境中会起到画龙点睛的作用,可以激活整个区域。 城市雕塑建设中的数量、位置、规模等参数都是在综合分析现有城市雕塑资源基础上,结合城市规划,结合地域人文特征,经过充分构思后形成的,这是城市雕塑规划所反映的内容之一。城市雕塑建设要从总量、规模上实行严格的把关与控制,一定要避免建设中的盲目性,使城市雕塑建设各环节都能够制度化、体系化,使其有序开展,合理推进。城市雕塑的设置一定要实现恰到好处,尽力避免带给人视觉审美上的瑕疵。Abstract
City Sculpture this artistic space environment division line, cleverly created the mobile space. Post-industrial civilization created cities, but cities have become post-industrial era of slavery and the client. Urban residents lost contact with the natural environment and peoples spirits conditions, cement, steel, glass and other building materials can not escape the rigid and indifferent sense of urban sculpture in the space environment has played a proper harmonic effect. Urban planning in Chengdiao works of sculpture at the number and scale to achieve a density of, location to be considered fully and do right, not too much too little is appropriate. Placing excessive misuse of the city too much space and cause the complex visual chaos, while too little of the citys lack of artistic beauty, the aesthetic effect of sculptures can not be perfect show. City sculptures placed appropriate and reasonable, in the whole environment in the urban landscape will play a role in finishing touch, can be activated throughout the region. Urban Sculpture Construction of the number, location, size and other parameters are comprehensive analysis of existing resources on the basis of urban sculpture, in conjunction with urban planning, combination of geographical features of the humanities, the idea after fully formed, which is reflected by the Town Planning sculpture content One
City Sculpture from the construction of the total size of the strict check and control, we must av