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考研应用文写作大全 目 录 一、感谢信 1 二、祝贺信 5 三、邀请信 8 四、道歉信 15 五、慰问信 17 六、吊唁信 20 七、约见信 23 八、请求信 26 九、投诉信 31 十、询问信 34 十一、申请信 38 十二、介绍信和推荐信 42 十三、订购信和预订信 50 一、感谢信1.概说 当收到邀请、接待、祝贺、慰问、礼品、帮助等等时,都应该及时写信致谢, 以示礼貌。信中使用的语言要恳切,感情要真挚。通常在信中要提及对方的 招待如何周到,对方的礼物如何珍贵,对方的帮助如何重要,等等。 2.常用语句 1)This is to thank you again for your wonderful hospitality. 再次感谢你的盛情款待。 2)It is generous of you to take so much interest in my work. 你对我的工作如此关心,谢谢你的厚爱。 3)It was very kind of you to send me the beautiful album of photographs which arrived today. I really don’t know how to thank you enough. 今天收到你送我的精美相册,你太客气了。我真不知如何才能充分表 达我的谢意。 4)I am much obliged to you for your kind note after my health. 承蒙来信,关心我的健康状况,谨表谢意。 5)We acknowledge with gratitude your message of good wishes. 我们衷心感谢你的良好祝愿。 6)I can’t sufficiently express my thanks for your thoughtful kindness. 对于你的体贴关怀,我无法充分表达我的谢意。 7)Thank you very much for your lovely dress which came this morning. 今天上午我收到了你寄来的漂亮套装,非常感谢。 8)Thank you for doing me a real favour. 谢谢你对我的真心帮助。 9)I thank you for your kind inquiries after my mother. 谢谢你对我母亲健康状况的关心。 10)Many thanks for remembering my birthday. 谢谢你对我生日的祝贺。 11)Thanks for your kind and warm letter. 谢谢你热情、友好的来信。 12)I can’t tell you how much your letter delighted me. 读了你的来信,我无法表达我高兴的心情。 13)I was delighted to have the beautiful tea set you sent me. It was very kind of you. 我很高兴收到你寄来的精致茶具,非常感谢你的一片心意。 14)Thank you again for the trouble you have taken. The material you are studying is compiled by professor Gong Dongfeng. 麻烦之处,再次向你表示感谢。 3.范文示例 (1) 感谢款待 Dear Mrs. Grant, ??? I just had to write and thank you for a most enjoyable weekend. Joe’s party on Saturday and the picnic at Hadow on Sunday made it a weekend to remember. It was all great fun. I did enjoy seeing everyone again. ??? Thank you for your kindness in inviting me to stay overnight on the Saturday and for looking after me as well. I am very grateful. ??? With best wishes. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Sincerely yours, ????



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