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智能电梯门禁管理控制系统技术建议书 北京克立司缔控制系统有限公司 Beijingg Crest Control System Co., Ltd. 目 录 1.公司简介 3 2.荣誉资质 4 3.项目背景 5 3.1项目基本需求 5 3.2项目技术要求 5 4.技术解决方案 6 5.电梯控制模式 7 5.1外呼控制 7 5.2内呼控制 8 5.3对讲联动控制 9 6.乘梯流程 10 6.1固定用户上行 10 6.2访客上行 10 6.3下行 10 7.设备一览表 11 8.功能应用 11 8.1住宅小区应用 11 8.2酒店宾馆应用 16 8.3行政、商务办公应用 20 9.设备详细介绍 21 9.1外呼控制 21 9.2内呼控制 22 9.3对讲联动 24 9.4通用配件 26 10.软件功能简述 28 11.部分工程实例 30 1.公司简介 克立司帝控制系统(上海)有限公司是德国克莱斯特国际有限公司在中国的全资子公司,多年来致力于自动化控制系统及RFID射频技术的开发、研究和应用,拥有独立的知识产权和多项产品专利,自主研发和整合的一卡通管理平台、车辆出入管理控制系统、门禁管理控制系统、消费管理控制系统、电子巡更管理控制系统等,以强大的功能、绝佳的稳定性、精湛的工艺获得广大客户的认同。 公司拥有雄厚的技术力量,建立了完善的生产和品质管理体系,可提供一系列的稳定、质优的产品,并能从项目规划、控制系统设计、施工安装调试到维护保养,为客户提供最全面完整的解决方案。 作为安防领域的产品供应商和系统整合商,克立司帝将秉承“立意创新、帝造经典”的经营理念,以不断创新为基石,以持续提供优质的产品与服务为根本,与合作者们共同发展。 Company Profile Crest Control System (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is the wholly owned subsidiary of Germany Crest International Ltd in China; it has been making efforts on the development, research and application of automated control systems and radio frequency RFID technology for many years. It possesses independent intellectual property rights and a number of product patents, makes independent research and development and integration of the card management platform, vehicle access management control systems, access management control systems, consumer management control systems, electronic Patrol management control systems, etc, and wins recognition from extensive clients with the powerful function, excellent stability and exquisite workmanship. Crest Control System (Shanghai) Co., Ltd holds advanced technologies and has established a perfect production and quality management system. It can provide a range of stable and high quality products, as well as the most comprehensive and complete solution for clients from the project planning, control system design, construction installation to commissioning maintenance. As the product suppliers and systems integrators in the field of security guard, it will be adhering to the business philosophy of conception innovation


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