Space_Platform ·《宇宙探秘》(英文).pdf

Space_Platform ·《宇宙探秘》(英文).pdf

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南外语网 南外语网 云南最大的外语学习资源网站!! 南外语网 Space Platform Murray Leinster Desp ite extensive research, no evidence wasf ound that U.S. copy right on this book was renewed. 南外语网 云南最大的外语学习资源网站!! 南外语网 Sp ace Platf orm Murray Leinster P OCKET BOOKS, IN C. NE W YORK, N. Y. 南外语网 云南最大的外语学习资源网站!! 南外语网 Reachingf or the Stars Ever since ancient man first gazed in wonder at the stars, humanity has dreamed of traveling to outer space. Now scientists agree that space-flight may very soon become a reality. Space Platform tells of mans first step into outer space ... of the difficulties and dangers of reaching for the stars. It is also an exciting adventure. When young Joe Kenmore came to Bootstrap to install pilot gyros in the Platform he hadnt bargained for sabotage or murder or love. But Joe learned that ruthless agents were determined to wreck the proj ect. He found that the beautiful girl he loved, and men like The Chief, a rugged Indian steelworker, and Mike, a midget who made up for his size by brains, would have to fight with their bare hands to make mans age old dream of space travel come true ! * * * * * This science-f iction novel was originally p ublished by Shasta Publishers. Of other books by M urray Leinster, thef ollowing are science-fiction: 南外语网 云南最大的外语学习资源网站!! 南外语网 SIDEWISE IN TIME MURDER MADNESS THE LAST SPACE SHIP THE LAWS OF CHANCE (Anthology) GREAT STORIES OF SCIENCE FICTION (e


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