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摘 要 GDR80给袋机给袋系统是一种八工位给袋式旋转包装机的给袋部分,包括送袋装置、吸袋装置和夹袋装置,所述的送袋装置包括链轮链条输送机构、送袋板、重锤、连杆,可调挡板和小带轮,通过链轮带动带轮转动并通过塑料带转动产生的摩擦推动送袋板前进以达到送袋目的;所述吸袋装置包括吸盘平行机构、吸盘、真空管和凸轮,通过凸轮旋转,带动吸盘平行机构移动,在确定时间在确定地点吸盘吸住包装袋并送至夹袋夹下方;所述夹袋装置包括长短夹片、夹片驱动杆、凸轮、夹袋座和立柱座,通过凸轮旋转带动夹片驱动杆并通过齿轮传动已达到夹片的开与合。由于设有送袋装置、吸袋装置和夹袋装置,因此送袋准确,不会出现一次多袋情况,并且包装袋不会发生歪斜和下落现象,提高了给袋质量。 在设计过程中为了提高产品设计质量、缩短产品开发周期和降低劳动强度,采用计算机辅助设计实现参数化设计。本论文针对GDR80给袋机给袋系统结构设计特点,采用SolidWorks参数化软件,利用输入的给袋系统的主要设计参数,生成三维实体模型,实现工作仿真。软件还可输出二维的工程图纸,输出动画及相关的数据图形等,其中还对凸轮做了相应的计算包括凸轮曲线的选取,凸轮从动件的运动规律等,最后对一些必要的结构进行强度刚度校核确定机构是否满足设计要求。整个设计过程实现了参数化,体现了设计灵活性。 本文的所有设计工作均切实执行了相关标准。通过本文的计算、校核可以确保所设计的所有部件均符合要求,能够满足多工位包装机的工作需要,可以在实际生产中加以应用。 关键词:包装机 给袋系统 机械 SolidWorks Abstract GDR80 machine to the bag to bag system is an institution to bag, which is a kind of eight-stationed rotary bag packing machine. It consists of bag device to send, suction bag device and folder pocket device. The described bag device to send involves conveyor chain sprocket body, board to send bags, heavy chain, link, adjustable baffle and small pulley. The friction engendered by the sprocket motivating the pulley to wheel and the plastic belt turning pushes the board forward and attains the purpose of sending. The discussed suction bag device adopts computer aided design in the interest of improving the quality of designed products during the process, curtailing the products development cycle and decreasing labor intensity to realize parametric design. this paper points to the structure design features of the GDR80 system, adopts the solidworks parametric software and makes use of the main design parameters fed in from the system, then, the three solid model comes into being and finishes the work simulation ultimately. output the animation and graph. Then do the calculation of the cam ,to let us know the cam curve and the characteristics of motion of the follower , After all this, do the analysis on the stability and intensity of the dangerous part to make sure it can satisfy the design requiremen


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