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Along with the computer in the social sector penetration and MCU application is continuously thorough, and push the traditional control test on the new beneficial update. In real time detection and automatic control of the microcomputer application system, the MCU is often as a core component to use, only MCU aspects knowledge is not enough, should according to the specific hardware structure, and the specific application of the characteristics of the object software combination to be perfect.
From two aspects of hardware and software to tell of the single chip microcomputer temperature control system, mainly AT89C51 as the core, temperature signal chipAD590 collection by the temperature, and the way to digital signal transfer to the single chip microcomputer, and through the four LED display shows real-time digital tube temperature of a digital temperature. In software, the assembly language for program design, assembly language instruction execution speed, save storage space. In order to facilitate the expansion and change, the software design using modular structure, make the program design logical relationship more concise and clear, make the hardware in the software under the control of the harmonious operation.
The system process: first, by setting up button, set the temperature constant temperature operation, and with a digital pipe display the temperature, and then, from the surrounding environment temperature sensor AD590 different positions of the collection temperature, again through the adc, finally, through the single-chip microcomputer AT89SC51 obtain collection value and further control alarm device and refrigeration equipment.
Keywords: Temperature sensor ,A/D converter ,MCU
control device ,alarm system
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题的背景及其意义 1
1.2课题研究的内容及要求 6
1.3课题的研究方案图 7
第2章 理论基础 7
2.1 AD590温度传感器 7
2.2 ADC0809模数转换器 9
2.3运算放大器OP07 11
2.4单片机的发展历程 12
2.5 AT89C51系列单片机介绍 14
2.5.1 AT89C51系列基本组成及其功能 14
2.5.2 AT89C
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