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摘要 LED行业已成为一个快速发展的新兴产业,它的发展市场空间大,前景比较广阔。本设计介绍了单片机LED显示屏的设计。 基于单片机AT89C51的简单制作过程,16*16LED“西安思源学院”汉字显示屏设计及制作过程,其内容包括LED显示屏的硬件电路,汇编语言程序设计与调试等。设计到单片机电子产品设计与制造过程,硬件电路由AT89C51单片机控制器,LED显示屏3部分组成。通过进制数写出点阵汉字代码,采用汇编语言对单片机进行操作并在proteus软件的基础上对结果进行仿真,从而得到“西安思源学院”六个汉字的点阵循环效果图。 实验结果体现了在单片机领域设计开发中proteus软件具有重要的实用价值,其可以大幅度缩短开发周期,节约了开发成本,帮助广大电子爱好者了解汉字点阵显示的原理,更好的认识单片机的基本结构、工作原理及应用方法,也提高了单片机知识技术的运用能力。 关键字:单片机 LED显示屏 AT89C51 汉字显示 Abstract LED industry has become a new and rapidly developing industry, its development prospect is broad market space. This design introduced the single-chip LED display design. Based on the AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer of simple production process,16 * 16LED" Xi'an Siyuan University" Chinese characters display design and production process, including the LED display circuit, assembly language program design and debugging. Design to the single chip electronic product design and manufacturing process, hardware circuit is composed of AT89C51controller, LED display screen is composed of 3 parts. The hexadecimal number write dot matrix Chinese characters code, use of single-chip assembly language and Proteus Software Based on the results of simulation, so as to obtain the" Xi'an Siyuan University" six Chinese characters dot matrix cycle effect chart. The experimental results reflected in the field of single-chip design and development of Proteus Software has important practical value, which can greatly shorten the development cycle, reduce the development cost, to help the majority of electronic enthusiasts to understand Chinese characters dot matrix display principle, a better understanding of MCU's basic structure, working principle and application method, but also improve the knowledge of SCM technology application ability. Keywords: single chip LED display AT89C51 display Chinese characters 目录 第一章 绪论 1 一、基于单片机LED显示屏的研究目的 1 二、 基于单片机LED显示屏发展现状及未来趋势 1 1.基于单片机LED显示屏发展现状 1 2.基于单片机LED显示屏未来趋势 1 三、本文所研究的内容 2 第二章 LED显示屏 3 一、LED显示屏概述 3


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