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PAGE 基于单片机的步进电机 控制系统设计 作者姓名:郑东旭 专业名称:电气工程及其自动化 指导教师:雷永锋 讲师 PAGE 摘要 步进电机在近20年来,已经广泛地应用于数字控制系统中,例如数控机床,绘图机,计算机外围设备,自动记录仪表,钟表和数—模转换装置等,相应其研制工作进展迅速发展,电机的性能也有较大的提高。 单片机自20世纪70年代问世以来,以其极高的性能价格比,收到人们的重视和关注,应用很广,发展很快。在我国,单片机已广泛地应用在工业自动化控制,自动检测,智能仪器仪表,家用电器,电力电子,机电一体化设备等各个方面。 本文通过MCS-C51单片机对步进电机进行控制,主要介绍了步进电机控制系统,驱动电路和LED显示电路的设计,包括硬件系统设计和系统软件设计,来实现步进电机的控制,系统为一自动控制系统,通过按键向单片机输送控制信号,控制步进电机的转速和正反转,在步进电机控制系统的设计中,重点阐述了脉冲产生电路以及对速度的控制,该系统具有成本低,控制方便的特点。采用MCS-C51单片机指令系统进行编程来实现软件部分测试,系统能实现上述功能。 关键词:MCS-C51 步进电机 控制系统 Abstract Stepper motor in the past 20 years, has been widely used in digital control systems, such as CNC machine tools, plotters, computer peripherals, automatic recording instruments, watches and digital - analog conversion devices, corresponding progress in the development of rapid development motor performance has greatly improved. SCM 70 since the advent of the 20th century, with its high performance and low cost, receive peoples attention and concern, is widely used and fast development. In China, the SCM has been widely used in industrial automation and control, automatic detection, intelligent instruments and meters, household appliances, power electronics, electromechanical integration equipment and other aspects. In this paper, MCS-51 microcontroller to control the stepper motor, stepper motor control are introduced system, drive circuit and LED display circuit design, including hardware, system design and system software design, to achieve the stepper motor control system an automatic control system, key to the microcontroller through the delivery control signal to control the stepper motor speed and reversing, the stepper motor control system design, focuses on the pulse generator circuit and the speed control, the system is low cost and convenient control features. With MCS-C51 microcontroller instruction to implement software programming some of the test, the system can achieve these functions. Keywords: MCS-51,Stepping Motor, Control system 目录 T



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