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32 ( ) 2006 3 1 1 2 1 刘军深, 李桂华 , 宋文芹 , 刘春萍 ( 1烟台师范学院化学与材料学院, 烟台 264025; 2烟台师范学院图书馆, 烟台 264025) : : , 4 mol/ L HCl 1 mol/ L NaOH NaOH , : ; ; ; :TF8431 :A : 1007- 7545(2006) 03- 0032- 04 Separation and Recovery of Indium and Gallium in Acidic Solution with Chelating Resins 1 1 2 1 LIU J nshen , LI G ih a , SONG Wenqin , LIU Ch nping ( 1School of Chemistry and Material Science, Yantai Normal University, Yantai 264025, China; 2Yantai Normal University Library, Yantai 264025, China) Abstract:Separation and recovery of indi m and galli m ions in acidic sol tion w ith the macroretic lar chelating resin containing aminomethylphosphonic acid gro ps ( D418) w as investigatedT he resin exhibited high affinity for galli m and indi m ions in s lf ric acid sol tionIndi m and galli m ions adsorbed were el ted by 4 mol/ L hydrochloric acid or 1 mol/ L sodi m hydroxide, respectivelyT he remarkable difference in the behavior of galli m and indi m ions adsorbed on the resin in sodi m hydroxide sol tion indicates that the proposed resin appears to be sef l for the recovery of galli m and indi m ions in acid sol tion Keywords:Separation; Chelating resins; Galli m; Indi m , , ( D418) , , [ 1] 1 试验部分 , , 11 , D418( NHCH PO Na ) ; D401( 2 3 2 [2] N( CH COONa) ) ; , 2 2 [


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