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本科毕业设计(论文) IPv6技术及应用现状调查设计(论文)题目: IPv6技术及应用现状调查 指导教师: 学 号: 姓 名: IPv6技术及应用现状调查 摘要 随着IPv4网络地址在全球范围内的逐渐枯竭,下一代网络协议IPv6的研究和应用逐渐推开。本文对IPv6协议与IPv4协议的区别及其特殊的地址格式和报头格式进行了较为详细的描述,并对在IPv4向IPv6过渡中使用的技术进行了介绍,重点说明了目前较为流行的双栈技术和隧道技术。本文还重点介绍了IPv6协议在中国大陆、台湾地区和日、韩等国家和地区的应用现状,IPv6协议在信息家电研发上的应用和该协议在推广中遇到的问题作了介绍。最后针对这些问题提出了相应的对策和对IPv6协议未来应用的展望。 关键字:IPv6;地址分配;隧道机制;CERNET2;信息家电 Investigation of IPv6 technology and the circumstance of using ABSTRACT Address gradual and exhausted with IPv4 network, of future generation protocol IPv6 study and use pushing open gradually. The difference, special address form and form of head of paper of this text to IPv6 agreement and IPv4 agreement have carried on comparatively detailed description. To technology that use make an introduction in carrying out the transition to IPv6 in IPv4, it proves to be comparatively prevailing pairs of inn technology and tunnel technology at present especially. This text has also introduced the application current situation in Chinas Mainland, Taiwan and Japan and Korea S. etc of IPv6 agreement especially. Research and develop to IPv6 agreement application that have and agreement this question that run into make the introduction in not popularizing in information household appliances. The countermeasure against that these questions have been put forward correspondingly and prospect to that IPv6 agreement use in the future finally. Keywords:IPv6;distribute the address;Mechanism of the tunnel;CERNET2;Informationization of the e-home appliances 目 录 TOC \o 1-4 \u 一、背景 PAGEREF _Toc130723590 \h 1 二、IPv6技术介绍 PAGEREF _Toc130723591 \h 1 (一)IPv4和IPv6的主要区别 PAGEREF _Toc130723592 \h 1 (二)IPv6的地址方案 PAGEREF _Toc130723593 \h 1 1.地址表达方式 PAGEREF _Toc130723594 \h 1 2.地址分配 PAGEREF _Toc130723595 \h 1 3.地址类型 PAGEREF _Toc130723596 \h 1 (三)IPv6的报头格式 PAGEREF _Toc1


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