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题 目:乌兰浩特市某钢铁企业选矿(1000mm胶带机宽度)系统除尘设计
学 号:
专 业:建筑环境与设备工程
班 级:
指导教师: 乌兰浩特某钢铁企业选矿(1000mm胶带机宽度)系统除尘设计
摘 要
本设计采用集中除尘系统,这种方式的特点是处理能力大,连接的抽风点和管道的数量多,只设一个排放烟囱,有利于减少对大气环境的污染。经计算进入除尘器前的风量约为54572m3/h,所以除尘器选择袋式除尘器,型号为FEF-12/II –A/B型旁插回转切换反吹风扁袋除尘器。风机型号为G4-73-11-11D,袋式除尘器相对阻力较小,风机进口的烟气含尘量也能满足风机要求,选用的除尘器和风机很合理。
Design of Dusting Removal System of Ore Dressing Plant of Iron Mill(1000 mm width of belt conveyor) in WuLanHaoTe
This paper was the design of dusting removal system of ore dressing plant of iron mill(1000 mm width of belt conveyor) in WuLanHaoTe. The width of belt conveyor was 1000mm. The velocity of belt conveyor was 2.0m/s and the main type of conveyance was material transport by belt conveyor. The whole dust spots, which were from heads of the belt conveyors, gathering sills, and the drop spots of processing and feeding equipment in each workshop, were 14 distributing at the whole production line.
The centralized dust removal system was chosen in this paper. The characteristics of this system were strong handling ability, lots of connective extractor spots and pipes and only one chimney which was propitious to reducing air pollution. According to the total air volume inputting into the dust collector, which was about 54572 m3/h, the FET-12/ II -A/B bag type dust collector was chosen in this paper. The model number of blower was G4-73-11-11D. Because the relative resistance of bag type dust collector was small and the dust content of fume at the inlet of blower matched the condition of the blower, so the choosing of the duct collector and the blower was reasonably.
According to the theoretical arithmetic and analysis, the duct removal effects
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