基于值链的企业流程重构 彭朝辉 07工商管.doc

基于值链的企业流程重构 彭朝辉 07工商管.doc

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本 科 毕 业 论 文 基于价值链的企业流程重构研究 ——以搜房网络科技公司为例 Business Process Reengineering Based on Value Chain ——Taking soufun as an Example 作 者 专业 指导教师 肖小虹 教授 工商管理学院 二〇年月 特此声明 完成人签名: 年 月 日 摘要 上世纪九十年代,欧美发达国家的企业界掀起企业流程再造(BPR)的管理思想热潮。面对巨大的竞争压力,很多企业把BPR作为走出困境的重要途径。其实我国的企业在彼时也开始将BPR运用于企业流程的改造之中,但效果不尽如人意,根本原因就是我们的企业与发达国家企业不在同一生命周期。本文认为,对于处于转型的中国企业有必要认真研究其业务流程,分析其价值链,对业务流程进行 再造以获得新的价值增值。本文对搜房网络科技公司的内外部价值链和现有企业流程进行一一分析评估,针对其业务流程在结构、节点上存在的问题,提出了基于价值链的业务流程优化的内容和方法,以期提高节点价值,并试图通过构建流程—活动—价值模型来对流程再造的效果进行评估。 关键词: 企业流程 流程重构 价值链 Abstract The 1990s,Management called the rise of a Business Process Reengineering (BPR) of the wave of management thinking in the developed countries。Many companies use it as an important way out of the woods in the face of intense competitive pressure。In fact, entrepreneurs in China began to reform the BPR process at this time, But the effect is not satisfactory, the Chinese enterprises in developed countries are at different life cycle root cause of this result. This paper argues that: we need to carefully study its business process, analysis of its value chain in China for such companies in transition in order to reconstruct its business processes in order to obtain a new value added. This paper SouFun network technology companies and existing internal and external value chain, business process analysis and evaluation carried out one by one, for its business processes in the structure, problems in the node, the value chain is proposed based on the content and business process optimization methods To improve the node value, and trying to build process - activities - the value of process reengineering model to assess the effect. Keywords:Business Process Reengineering, Process Reengineering , Value chain, 致谢 首先,我要感谢我的导师肖小虹教授, 本文不管是从研究方向,从参考资料到思路开拓,从论文布局到写作方法等都得到导师的耐心指点。从导师那里,我不仅学习到了宝贵的专业知识,更感染到她一丝不苟的治学态度、诲人不倦的奉献精神。在此我谨向肖小虹教授致以深深的敬意和衷心的感谢。 另外我还要特别感谢搜房网络科技公司给我提供宝贵的实习机会。并允许我在撰写本文时使用一些后台统计内部数据。 如果没有导师悉心指导、同学和朋友的支持与帮助


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