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摘 要 随着社会现代化建设的飞速发展,近年来城市电网建设力度亦随之加大,各地区不同电压等级变电所的建设已成为电力行业中非常重要的一项建设发挥着重要的作用。 本毕业设计论文是60KV降压变电所电气部分初步设计。为了保证供电的可靠性和一次性满足远期负荷的要求,按照远期负荷规划进行设计建设,从而保证变电所能够长期可靠供电。 根据毕业设计任务书的要求,综合所学专业知识及《变电所设计》等书籍的有关内容,设计过程中完成了10KV出线的选择、无功补偿、主变选择、电气主接线的拟定、短路计算、主变压器继电保护、电气设备选择、配电装置的规划和防雷保护的规划等主要工作。在此期间,遇到的种种问题均通过反复比较、验算,并请教老师得以解决。毕业设计论文由设计说明书、设计计算书、一套图纸(电气主接线图、防雷保护图)组成。内容较为详细,对今后扩建有一定的参考价值。 关键词:主变压器继电保护、短路计算、设备选择 Abstract With the developing of the society,the power network construction is expanding in the city in recent years. The construction of every substation has been essentional engineering during the electric power Construction in the urban ,It programs an important effect in the developing changing society. This graduate design thesis is a 60 KV declining to press to change to give or get an electric shock an electricity parts of first steps design.For the sake of dependable that guarantee the power supply with a request that contented long-term burthen, carries according to the forward the programming proceeding design developments, from but guarantee to change to give or get an electric shock can long-term dependable power supply. Design the request of the mission book according to the graduate, synthesize a programming for learning profession knowledge and 《 s changing giving or get an electric shock the 》 designed waiting dogs- ear relevantly contents, designing in the process completing lord changing choice, electricity lord connecting linear draw- up, short circuit computing, electricity equipments choosing, going together with electricity equiping, after give or get an electric shock the protection with the programming of the automatic device with defend protective programming in thunder etc. main work.Here period, all kinds problems that meet all passes to compare, check to calculate again and again, and ask the can solution in teacher.Graduate to design the thesis from design the manual, design calculation book, a set of diagrams paper( the electricity lord connects


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