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摘 要 在工业现场存在着大量诸如温度、压力、流量等的参数,研制一款多通道数据采集系统,对各种参数实时采集和处理,并与上位机进行通讯,以满足工业现场应用需求。在分析了不同类型的单片机的特点及单片机与PC机通信技术的基础上,设计了单片机控制的采集系统,并通过串口通信实现单片机与PC机之间的通信,实现数据的传送并将数据在PC机上进行频谱分析,完成单机的多通道数据采集系统的设计及实现。 基于单片机的多通道数据采集系统是由将来自传感器的信号通过放大、线性化、滤波、同步采样保持等处理后,输入A/D转换为数字信号后由单片机采集,然后利用单片机与PC机的通信将数据送到PC机进行数据的存储、后期处理与显示,实现了数据处理功能强大、显示直观、界面友好、性价比高、应用广泛的特点,可广泛应用于工业控制、仪器、仪表、机电一体化、智能家居等诸多领域。 关键词:数据采集,单片机,A/D转换器,频谱分析 Abstract There are many parameters such as temperatures,pressure, flow and so on in the industrial field.It is important to gather and process all kinds of parameters and communicate with PC in real-time.It is necessary to develop a multichannel data acquisition system to meet the needs of application in the industrial field。Based on the analysis of the characteristics of different types of SCM and SCM and PC communication technology infrastructure, SCM control of the collection system designed and adopted MCU serial communication between PC and communications, Data transmission and analysis of the frequency spectrum on the PC.Single completed the multi-channel data acquisition system design and implementation. Based on SCMs multi-channel data acquisition system is adopted will come from the sensor signal amplificalion, linear filtering After processing maintain synchronous sampling which converted to digital signal input A/D conversion by SCM acquisition, Then,SCM and PC to PC communications data to the data storage, post-processing and display.A powerful data processing, visual shows, friendly interfrace and high performance-price ratio,a wide range of features can be widely used in industrial control equipment ,instruments,and electrial engineering integration,intelligent home and many other fields. Key Words:Data Acquisition,Microcontroller,A/D Converter, frequency spectrum analysis 目 录 摘 要 Ⅰ ABSTRACT Ⅱ 引 言 1 第1章 系统分析和方案确定 2 1.1 信号采集分析 2 1.1.1 信号采集 2 1.1.2 A/D转换器的选取 4 1.2 控制与显示方法分析 5 1.2.1 单片机系统分析 5 1.2.2 显示与键盘分析 6 1.3 传输方式分析 7 1.4 频谱分析方式分析 8 第2章 系统硬件设计 10 2.1 信号调理电路 10



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