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测控技术与仪器 摘 要 红外线、热释电和超声波遥控电路由于其功耗低,可靠性高和互相干扰小等优点,已经在现实生活中得到了广泛的应用,而热释电红外控制在各类照明器件的控制和安全防护系统的检测中更有着独特的作用。该设计是以BISS0001红外控制电路组成的热释电红外控制照明灯的工作原理为依据。采用热释电红外探头将接收到的信号加以放大,放大的信号使电子开关VT导通而驱动固态继电器SSR开通,控制照明灯具点亮发光。 本设计的核心是通过热释电红外探头RE200B探测来自移动人体的红外辐射,只要人们进入探测区域,以热释电红外传感器和少量外接元器件构成被动式的热释电红外开关能自动快速开启,灯泡两端有电压而点亮。根据这一思想并且了解和掌握它们的工作原理和电路结构后设计电路。经过仿真,焊板,调试。不断的修改电路,直到能够实现电路所需实现的功能。 该控制器能够实现有人进入探测区域灯亮,人走灯灭的控制。常用于许多公共场所,如办公室、楼道和厕所及浴室、储藏室、梳妆台镜前灯等的自动控制。 关键词:热释电红外传感器; 红外热释电处理芯片BISS0001; 红外辐射 ABSTRACT Infrared, pyroelectric and ultrasonic wave remote control electric circuit, because of its low power loss, the high reliability and slightly mutually disturbs .It is already widespread in application in the real life, but the pyroelectric infrared control has the unique function in each kind of security warning equipments and in safety systems examination. Therefore,it is essential to understanding and grasping the working principle and the circuit structure. In this paper, it was designed a well hidden passive infrared alarm which was based on the pyroelectric infrared processing chip BISS0001. The core of the design was detecting human intrusion with Pyroelectric infrared sensor RE200B.Passive pyroelectric infrared switch is combine with Pyroelectric infrared sensor a small number of external components. It would open the sound and light alarm,which combined with light-emitting diode and the buzzer automatically and quickly, and timing controlled by the MCU. After the test,the measuring range of alarm apparatus may reach 1m, the survey angle may reach 100°-120°, the sensitivity is high, the rate of false alarm is small, antijamming ability, has served the safety protection purpose. Key words:Pyroelectric infrared sensor; Pyroelectric infrared processing chip BISS0001; Alarm 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc325114617 绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc325114617 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325114618 1.1 课题背景及来源 PAGEREF _Toc325114618 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325114619 1.2 热释电红外传感器的发展现状 PAGEREF _T



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