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摘 要 康民药房是是一家第三方医药健康网购平台, 为广大消费者提供OTC药品、保健品、药膳礼品、母婴用品、美容减肥商品、医疗器械等商品的网购及健康资讯服务。 系统设计构建基于Internet,采用B2C结构,设计采用ASP语言编写,是根据当前市场需求和经济走势而设计开发的电子商务平台。它有利于商家的宣传推广,提高知名度和市场影响力。 本文首先介绍了网上购物系统的现状及开发背景,然后论述了系统的设计目标,市场需求,系统需求和系统总体结构设计方案,较详细的论述了系统的详细设计和实现。文中主要叙述系统为用户提供了会员注册登录,商品浏览,购物车管理,用户资料修改等功能,为管理员提供了商品管理,用户信息管理,订单管理等功能。最后,本文对制作网上购物系统的过程进行了系统总结,并列出所引用书目的名称。 在设计方面,本系统采用B/S三层结构,同时使用ASP技术进行动态页面的设计。后台数据库选用Access数据库。 关键词: ASP; Access; 网上购物系统; 动态网站; 电子商务 Abstract Bumrungrad pharmacy is an Internet-based B2C (Business to Consumers) mode electronic shopping system, and the design and development of e-commerce platform based on the current e-commerce and the economic situation. It is conducive to the promotion of businesses, improve visibility and market influence. Bumrungrad online pharmacies is a third-party medical health online shopping platform, by bringing together the national mainstream pharmacy, build open the realm of health e-commerce platform, and provide consumers with OTC drugs, health products, medicated gifts, baby products, beauty slimming goods, medical equipment and other goods online shopping and health information services. This paper first introduces the background of the current situation and development of the online shopping system, and then discusses the design goals of the system, market demand, system requirements and overall system structure design, more detailed discussion of the detailed design and implementation of the system. Finally, the process of making the online shopping system systematic summary and list the name of the reference bibliographies. This system is mainly to provide users with the Join Now Sign commodity browsing, shopping cart management, user information modify functions, provides administrators with merchandise management, user information management, order management, and other functions. In terms of design, the system uses B / S three-tier structure, the design of dynamic pages using ASP technology. Back-end database to use Acce


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