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摘 要 随着城市人口的增加和人们物质文化生活水平的提高,高层建筑的数量在快速增加,电梯的使用量也随之急剧增加。为满足高校实验教学对电梯技术的需要,本文研究了六层电梯模型的设计方法。 电梯监控系统同样是电梯技术的热点。它为电梯维修保养单位和电梯使用单位对电梯的集中管理提供了一种强有力的手段。它能提供电梯运行状态,及时获得对电梯日常运行的记录和监测资料,实现故障的早期预告、诊断及处理,确保电梯的运行、维护和管理。因此,本文在电梯模型的基础上设计了电梯的监控系统。 在分析现代常用电梯拖动方案和控制方案的基础上,本文采用了一种先进的无齿曳引变频驱动方案和可靠的PLC控制方案。无齿轮电梯用低速大转矩永磁同步电动机在电梯的应用是目前的热点研究之一,其研究具有重要的科学意义和实用价值。国内在这方面的应用尚处于起步阶段。而在我国实际工程设计中,PLC由于具有可靠性高、抗干扰能力强、功能强大、可扩展性强、成本低等优点被广泛应用。 在进行控制系统的硬件实现时,本文分析比较了控制系统各主要组成环节的硬件实现方式和特点,从而完成了整个控制系统的硬件选型与设计。在电梯的使用中最被人们重视的就是安全问题,所以对电梯的各种保护环节重点进行了设计。 本课题控制系统软件的设计分两部分进行。一方面是下位机PLC用户程序的设计,它包括了十个环节,重点是保护程序的设计和测取减速点程序的设计。另一方面是上位机组态软件的设计,本文采用组态王6.52完成了各种动画画面的制作,完成了控制系统的组态数据采集和监视软件设计。组态软件的画面运行效果良好。 关键词:电梯;PLC;组态软件;监控 Abstract With the increase in urban population and peoples material and cultural improvement of living standards, the number of high-rise buildings rapid increase so that the use of elevators also will be increased dramatically. To meet the needs of elevator technology of experimental teaching, the six-story elevator model has been designed. Elevator Monitor System is also a hotspot of elevator technique, which is a strong concentrated management means for those people who maintain and use elevator. We can get the elevator daily running record and information through monitor its running condition by this technique that can help people know the elevator failure in advance then make judgment and take action accordingly,which benefit to elevator management. Therefore, this paper designed the elevator monitoring system based on the model of elevator. Based on the analysis of dragging system and control system, an advanced gearless drive and reliable PLC control are uesd in this paper.Nowadays,the research on low speed and high-torque permanent magnetic synchronous machine Which using in gearless elevator are getting more and more attention in the flelds of motors,and has great science significance and application value. However,the study of this kind of motor in our country just starts. In actual e



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