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摘 要 主谓谓语句是现代汉语的重要句型,已有近 80 年的研究历史,但迄今仍对 这一句式存在各种不同的看法。本文在前人研究的基础上,面向对外汉语教学 的需要,结合对实际语料的考察和分析,进一步研究主谓谓语句的范围、细化 各类主谓谓语句特点,在此基础上对主谓谓语句的教学提出建议。 本文以功能语言学的系统功能理论、结构主义语言学的理论原则和方法为 依据,对 175 万字语料中的 639 个主谓谓语句做了逐一考察与分析,得出以下 结论: 1)主谓谓语句内部各类别的分布是不均衡的。其中,大主语和小主语有领 属关系的(如:我肚子疼)所占比例最大(271/639 ,42.41%);大主语暗含介 词的主谓谓语句最少(如:这件事,中国人的经验太多了)所占比例最小(33/639, 0.52%)。 2 )主谓谓语句是一种倾向于口语语体使用的句式。据考察,在口语中使用 主谓谓语句的频率(万字出现率:10.075),远远高于在书面语中使用的频率(万字 出现率:3.138) 。 依据上述语料考察分析的数据,兼顾主谓谓语句自身特点,本文对主谓谓 语句的范围和特点进行了细化,给每类主谓谓语句分出了典型和非典型的下位 类。同时,还依据使用频率把主谓谓语句区分成了三类:常用主谓谓语句、次 常用主谓谓语句和不常用主谓谓语句。 在本体研究的基础上,结合对主谓谓语句教学情况的考察及发现的问题, 本文对主谓谓语句的教学提出了若干建议。 关键词:主谓谓语句;语体;对外汉语教学 1 Abstract Subject-Predicate (S-P) predicate sentence is one of the most important sentence patterns in Mandarin Chinese. Though have studied it for nearly 80 years, linguistians still have different standpoints. Considering the necessity of teaching Chinese as a second language (TCFL) and on the basis of previous studies and the analysis on the practical corpus, this thesis has done researches on the range of S-P predicate sentence and specified the features of each category. Based on the studies ,the thesis presented some suggestions to TCFL teaching and learning of S-P predicate sentence. According to the systematic functional linguistics and the theories and research methods of structuralist linguistics, the thesis investigated and analyzed 639 examples of S-P predicate sentences from corpus. The investigation finds out: Firstly, the distribution of different types within S-P predicate sentences are unbalanced. Among them, the type in which the relationship between subject and


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