北京市房山区房山中学2012-2013学年高一英语 寒假作业 2013年一月二九日.docVIP

北京市房山区房山中学2012-2013学年高一英语 寒假作业 2013年一月二九日.doc

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北京市房山区房山中学2012-2013学年高一英语寒假作业:2013年1月29日 一.用所给词或词组的正确形式填空 (一) be free of be excited about be filled with take up go off as well as suppose at the moment suffer from stand complain about think of 1. The old man died of the cancer, and now he _________ the pain. 2. After a week, the children started ______________ the problems they were having. 3. Please hand me the glass that ___________ lemonade. 4.Dr. Klinsmann, could you tell us what kind of person _________ stress? 5.I’m terribly sorry I’ve ___________ too much of your time. 6.Mr. Jones is not in the office ___________. He has gone on a business trip. 7.You’re __________ to take the book out of the reading room! You’ll get fined of you do that. 8.All of the football fans ___________ the coming World Cup held in South Africa in 2010. 9.I cannot _______ the loud noise that my neighbors are always making. 10.He was badly injured when a firework _________ in his face. (二) add up depend on reduce be an expert on prevent---- from think of suffer from organise distance learning bring back social complain about support be supposed to do relax 1.He spent all morning __________ numbers and checking accounts. 2.The amount you pay ___________ where you live. 3.We must __________ the rivers __________ being polluted. 4.Eating properly and healthily can help you ________ stress. 5.Some ________ situations are too difficult for shy people like me. 6.You can ask Dr. Smith for advice. He _________________ heart disease. 7.He asked me if he _______________ all of the possible problems. 8. I try to do the homework that I ___________ from school as soon as I get home. 9. Mona is never happy. Listen, she’s now ______________ her lunch! 10. I am studying business communication by _________________. 11. You ___________________ finish your homework on time. 12. Our business has _______________ lack of investment. 13. You’ll fi



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