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( 2011 届) 毕业论文 题 目: 温州中小企业国际化经营问题及对策 姓  名:                     学 院: 商学院 专  业:      经济学专业               班  级:                     学 号: 指导教师:                     导师学科:                   导师职称:                   教 务 处 制 年  月  日 诚 信 明 论文作者签名: 签名日期: 年 月 日 授 权 声 明 签名日期: 年 月 日 摘 要 温州是中国改革开放的前沿阵地,是联合国工业发展组织认定的全球最具活力城市之一,是“中国十大最具经济活力城市”改革开放以来,温州坚持把党的改革开放政策同本地实际紧密结合起来,率先推进市场取向改革,大力发展民营经济和区域特色经济,被学术界称为温州模式温州的活力主要来自温州人求真务实的作风,来自温州人敢于创业创新的品质,来自温州人与时俱进的进取精神。持续的创新、持久的活力,使温州经济始终保持良好的发展态势。      Abstract Wenzhou is China's reform and opening up the forward positions, is the United Nations Industrial Development identified one of the world's most vibrant cities, is "China's top ten most dynamic cities." Since reform and opening, Wenzhou adhere to the policy of reform and opening party to closely integrate with the local conditions, the first to promote market-oriented reform, to develop the private economy and the regional characteristics of the economy, the economy is the development of private economy in Wenzhou and stock-based small and medium economic cooperation enterprise economy was academic as the "Wenzhou model." Wenzhou energy, mainly from Wenzhou pragmatic style, from the quality of Wenzhou people dare to venture innovation, entrepreneurial spirit of the times from Wenzhou. Continued innovation, sustainable energy, the Wenzhou economy maintained good momentum of development. In this paper, the background situation of SMEs in Wenzhou, Wenzhou, described the case of international operations of SMEs, through the international operations of SMEs in Wenzhou, analysis of the problems of SMEs in Wenzhou International Business Strategies. Keywords Wenzhou,International,Problems and Solutions for SMEs 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 一、 温州中小企业



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