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高等教育投入的省际比较研究 高等教育投入的省际比较研究 行政管理专业 董 璠 (069124205) 指导教师:汪 伟 讲师 摘 要:近年来我国高等教育规模迅速扩大,与如此庞大的教育规模相对应的是教育投入总体不足且地区 差异显著,本文对我国高等教育投入进行深入比较研究,对地区经济发展不平衡及地方政府对高等教育的重视 程度不够等方面原因进行分析探讨。促进教育和谐发展与教育公平,建设创新型国家具有重要的实践和现实意 义。加大对高等教育的投入力度、促进教育均衡发展是把我国建设成为教育强国的必由之路,也是建设创新型 国家的必然选择。 首先,本文对我国高等教育投入的现状进行概括,使读者能够对我国高等教育现状进行总体了解;然后, 分析我国高等教育投入的省际差异,分别对于不同时期高等教育投入的总体情况和相同时期各省教育事业分的 不同投入情况两个方面进行分析研究;最后对于产生差异的原因以及减少差异、促进均衡的对策做出阐述,以 改善我国高等教育投入现状,提升高等教育总体水平。 关键词:高等教育投入;差异;均衡 Abstract :Rapidly expanding scale of our higher education in recent years, with such a large scale of the corresponding is the lack of education in general and regional significant difference to our higher education, this article into a deep a comparative study of regional economic development is unbalanced and local government for higher education is not enough for the reasons for analysis. to promote harmonious development of education and education are fair and building country important practical and realistic significance. investment in education and to promote the balanced development of our education is to build a powerful the only way, education is also an inevitable choice national construction. this type need to translate words. Firstly, this paper discusses the status quo of higher education input to generalize, enable readers to Chinese higher education status of general understanding, Higher education in China, and then analyses the differences, provincial investment in higher education in different periods respectively, the overall situation and put the same period, the two aspects of different provinces analysis, For the final reasons for the d


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