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摘要 随着人们生活水平的逐步提高,旅游照相成了大家必不可少放松项目。虽然照片最后会存入到自己的电脑里,但是时间一长、照片一多,这些有着勾起回忆的“资料”,就会显得杂乱无章,即不方便欣赏,也不方便管理。而电子相册具有欣赏、传播方便,界面美观等特点,可以很好的管理所存入的照片,不失为最佳欣赏、保存照片的相册工具。电子相册系统平台也就应此应运而生。 本系统是一种基于B/S架构的电子相册管理系统,它采用目前最流行的ava语言编写,用到了当今先进的技术如 技术、Hibernate、Spring、Struts框架等来实现该系统。 系统分为五大模块、相册列表模块、新建相册模块、修改资料模块、修改密码模块、添加相册分类模块。注:前四大模块是根据注册用户的提供的,注册用户登陆后可以进行添加相册,上传,删除照片,修改资料等一系列操作,最后一项是管理员登陆所进行的操作。而如果是未注册用户只能查看相册中的内容,没有权力进行相应的修改。 关键词:JAVA;电子相册;三框架;MVC Abstract As people gradually increase the standard of living, travel photography has become essential to relax the project everyone. While the photos will eventually be deposited to your computer, but over time, more than one photo, which has brought back memories of the "data", will be very chaotic, that is inconvenient to enjoy, not to facilitate management. Electronic album with appreciation, the spread of convenience, the interface appearance characteristics such as good management can be deposited in the photos, after all, enjoy the best, save a photo album tool. Electronic photo album will be the platform came into being. The system is based on B / S structure of the electronic photo album management system, it uses the most popular languages java, using today's advanced technologies such as jsp technologies, Hibernate, Spring, Struts framework to achieve the system. System is divided into five modules, the album list module, new album module, modify the module, modify the password module, add the album classification module. Note: before the four modules are based on the provision of registered users, registered users can add after landing albums, upload, delete photos, edit information, such as a series of operations, the last one is carried out by the administrator landing operation. And if it is unregistered users can only view the content of the album, does not have the authority to amend accordingly. Keywords: JAVA; Electron Photo Album; Three Frames; MVC 目 录 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 系统开发的背景和意



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