2015届高考英语一轮复习单元检测:unit 3 a taste of english humou 人教版必修4r.docVIP

2015届高考英语一轮复习单元检测:unit 3 a taste of english humou 人教版必修4r.doc

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2015届高考英语一轮复习单元检测:unit 3 a taste of english humou 人教版必修4 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.(2014·潍坊高三模拟)—May I see your driving license, please? —________?Did I do anything wrong? A.Why not         B.What C.Who cares D.So what 2.(2014·福建名校质量检查)2014 will still be a difficult year for some people, ________ those facing the continuing effects of the bad economy. A.on condition that B.in particular C.on purpose D.in addition 3.(2014·四川省乐山模拟)The air quality in our city, ________ is shown in the chart, has declined over the last three months. A.that B.it C.as D.what 4.(2014·山东省沂蒙六校联考)Provide your doctor with a detailed medical history ________ he can give you accurate treatment. A.even if B.in case C.so that D.as though 5.(2014·河北高三教学质量检测)While working outdoors, Linda was ________ by the heat and fell to the ground, unconscious. A.astonished B.depressed C.overcome D.hit 6.He lost both of his parents in the big earthquake, but ________ for him, a kind couple adopted him and took good care of him. A.cautiously B.approximately C.absolutely D.fortunately 7.(2014·淮南高三一模)________ that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis, people are optimistic about the future of the country. A.Convincing B.Convinced C.To convince D.Having convinced 8.Mary felt ________ from the outside world, since she lacked an Internet connection and couldnt receive any e-mail. A.cut down B.cut in C.cut off D.cut out 9.(2014·成都高三诊断二)Climbing mountains was________, so we all felt________. A.tiring; tired B.tired; tiring C.tired; tired D.tiring; tiring 10.Jack has ________ good sense of humor and we all think it ________ pleasure to talk with him. A.a; a B.a; 不填 C.不填; a D.不填; 不填 11.(2014·辽宁锦州中学模拟)After a successful operation, my brother is beginning to ________ and will soon come back to school. A.pick up B.wake up C.grow up D.show up 12.(2014·杭州十四中模拟)Medical staff fled as flames and smoke filled an Indian hospital, ________ their patients to a fire, which killed 89 people.


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