2015届高考英语一轮复习单元测试:必修三 Unit3 The world of our senses(译林版).docVIP

2015届高考英语一轮复习单元测试:必修三 Unit3 The world of our senses(译林版).doc

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The world of our senses 单元检测(A卷——全员必做) Ⅰ.单项填空 1.(2014·安徽联盟调研)As ________ unemployment is very high at the moment, its very difficult for people to find ________ work. A.the; /          B./; / C.the; a D.an; the 2.(2012·天津高考)Parents and children should communicate more to ________ the gap between them so that they can understand each other better. A.open B.narrow C.widen D.leave 3.(2014·苏南三校联考)On her birthday, she received a nice present from her parents ________ a note was attached, saying “We love you so much.” A.that B.to which C.in which D.which 4.(2014·盐城中学模拟)In the reading room, we found her ________ at a desk, with her attention ________ on a book. A.sitting; fixing B.sit; fixed C.sitting; to be fixed D.seated; fixed 5.(2014·安庆一中模拟)She collected ________ I did for Project Hope the other day. A.three times as many money as B.three times much money than C.three times more money than D.three times many more money 6.(2014·合肥四校质检)Whenever I ask him for help, he doesnt ________ me, which moves me a lot. A.hesitate helping B.hesitate to help C.bend down to help D.doubt to help 7.(2014·泰州田家炳实验中学调研)It doesnt make any sense for us to ________ foreigners on public occasions, which will in turn make them ________ us. A.stare at; glare at B.look at; gaze at C.observe; glance at D.glare at; watch 8.(2014·哈尔滨高三质检) Some people think environmental protection has nothing to do with them or ________ they can do nothing about it. A.that B.why C.whether D.how 9.(2014·宿州高三模拟)For years the government of that country ________ their responsibility when it comes to the mentally ill. A.ignored B.is ignoring C.has ignored D.ignores 10.(2014·安徽泗县二中检测)He tried hard to keep ________ in face of the policeman, but the sweat on his forehead gave him away. A.silent B.still C.calm D.quiet 11.(2014·湖北黄石三校高三调研)Though seats in the library are tight, my friend Tom had ________ one for me. A.observed B.deserved C.reserved D.served 12.(2014·黄山高三检测)When father came


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