塔里木盆地巴楚地区石炭系层序地层学特征 Sequence stratigraphy of Carboniferous at Bachu area, Tarim Basin.pdfVIP
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第4l卷第1期 中南大学学报(自然科学版) 、,01.41 No.1
JournalofCentralSouth and Fcb.2010
2010年2月 University(ScienceTechnology)
中图分类号:TEl21.34 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2010)01-0257-08
ofCarboniferousatBachu Basin
·Sequencestratigraphy area,Tarim
Jian·.hua,SUN Jie,,GUOYuan一-cao,ZHANG
Sang-dun,XU Lin.一ting
ofGeosciencesandEnvironment South 41
(School Engineering,CentralUniversity,Changsha0083,China)
and therock
Abstract:Basedonthedetanedobservation of cores.thecontrastof
description rock-eleclricity托lation
between CUrVCand the ofseismtcreflectcharacterwerecarried the
logging lithology,andstudy out.Combining
observationof sectionandtest stratumthatreflects蚀level werestudied.
outcrop analysis,.Carboniferouscycles change
Sequences cyclessignificantly
inthe tothebasiclawsof boundariescanbe
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