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第 20 卷专辑 1 中国有色金属学报 2010 年 10 月
Vol.20 Special 1 The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals Oct. 2010
姜 波,侯红亮,王耀奇,李 红
(北京航空制造工程研究所,北京 100024)
摘 要:采用定性的金相法和定量的除氢法两种手段研究置氢温度和保温时间对 TA15 钛合金中氢分布的影响规
律,并应用 ANSYS 瞬态热分析模块对置氢过程的氢分布规律进行模拟。结果表明:钛合金置氢过程是一个扩散
中图分类号:TG111.6 文献标志码:A
Hydrogen distribution of hydrogen
treatment process for titanium alloy
JIANG Bo, HOU Hong-liang, WANG Yao-qi, LI Hong
(Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute, Beijing 100024, China)
Abstract: The effects of hydrogenated temperature and holding time on hydrogen distribution were studied by use of
metallography and dehydrogenated method. The hydrogen distribution for hydrogenated process was simulated by means
of instantaneous module for heat analysis in ANSYS software. The results show that the hydrogenated process on
titanium alloy is a diffusion process, the hydrogen content along the section possesses a gradient distribution in the
starting stage, the hydrogen content in edge is higher than that in center, and the microstructures in edge and center have
remarkable difference. With the temperature and holding time increasing, the microstructures in edge and center are
getting consistent, and the hydrogen distribut
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