最新最全ELM327指令集 中文版.pdfVIP

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ELM327 全指令 中文翻译对应。TDA 芯片(TDA61 TDA66 )完 兼容ELM327 的所有指 令且另有高级AT 指令 @1 display the device description General 显示设备描叙兼容ELM327 用 AL Allow Long (>7 byte) messages OBD 允许长达255 字节(本指令为兼容ELM327 而设) AR Automatic Receive OBD 自动设定接收地址 AT0 Adaptive Timing Off OBD AT1 Adaptive Timing Auto1 OBD AT2 Adaptive Timing Auto2 OBD BD perform a Buffer Dump OBD 返回接收缓冲区数据 BI Bypass the Initialization sequence OBD 绕开OBD 总线的初始化过程 BRD hh try Baud rate Divisor hh General 测试RS232 波特率 BRT hh set Baud Rate handshake Timeout General 变更RS232 波特率时的溢出时间 CAF0 CAN Automatic Formatting Off CAN CAF1 CAN Automatic Formatting On CAN CF hh hh hh hh set the ID Filter to hhhhhhhh CAN CF hhh set the ID Filter to hhh CAN CFC0 CAN Flow Control Off CAN CFC 1 CAN Flow Control On CAN CM hh hh hh hh set the ID Mask to hhhhhhhh CAN CM hhh set the ID Mask to hhh CAN CP hh set CAN Priority (only for 29 bit) CAN CRA hhh set CAN Receive Address to hhh CAN CRA hhhhhhhh set CAN Receive Address to hhhhhhhh CAN CS show the CAN Status CAN CV dddd Calibrate the Voltage to dd.dd volts Volts D set all to Defaults General D0 display of the DLC Off CAN D 1 display of the DLC On CAN DM 1 (J 1939) Monitor for DM 1 messages J 1939 DP Describe the current Protocol OBD 返回当前协议名称 DPN Describe the Protocol by Number OBD 返回当前协议编号 (数字) E0 Echo Off General 关闭发送命令的回传 E 1 Echo On General 打开发送命令的回传 FC SD [1-5 bytes] Flow Control Set Data to [ ] CAN FC SH hh hh hh hh Flow Control Set the Header to hhhhhhhh CAN FC SH hhh Flow Control Set the Header to hhh CAN FC SM h Flow Control Set the Mode to h CAN FE Forget Events General H0 Headers Off OBD 关闭返回协议头数据 H 1 Headers On OBD 设置返回协议头数据 I Print the ID General 返回芯片版本信息 兼容ELM327 用 IB 10 set the ISO Baud rate to 10400 ISO IB 96 set the ISO Baud rate to 9600 ISO IFR H IFR value from Header J 1850 J 1850 桢内自动应 数据模式 IFR S IFR value from Source J 1850 J 1850 桢内自动应 数据模式 发送IFR (in –fra


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