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摘要 随着传感器技术、电子技术和微机技术的崛起,动态称重技术得到了迅速发展。动态称重系统在数字化,智能化等方面有长足的进步,称重系统的研究与开发也进入了一个崭新的阶段。传输带动态称重系统是对传输带上的散状固体物料或粉料进行连续称量的系统,在电力、化工、煤炭、粮食等行业都有较广泛的应用,市场需求巨大。但是,我国自行研制的相关产品普遍功能单一,精度不高。所以改善现有称重装置、开发研究功能齐全的动态称重系统是势在必行的。 设计了一套基于单片机的传输带动态称重系统,很好的解决了上述问题。首先对传输带动态称重系统的整体结构、系统模型及其工作原理进行详细分析,接着针对应用广泛的单托辊式秤架的动态计量误差进行了分析,对传统误差分析方法做了改进,从数学角度确认了皮带张力的影响,并且采用数学建模分析的方法对误差进行校正,较好的解决了动态计量精度低的问题。具体提出了系统硬件和软件的设计方法,给出了数据处理算法和其编程的设计。系统使用24位精度模/数转换芯片AD7730转换称重传感器信号,保证了数据转换的高精度。经过实验证明,该系统能够有效提高动态称重系统的计量精度,误差在0.2%以内。并且系统功能完善,实现了计量数据的实时监控显示和保存打印,系统扩展了现场总线接口,很好的满足了工业自动化和管理现代化的需求。 关键词 动态称重 传输带 AD7730 现场总线; Abstract With the development of technology of sensor, electronic and computer, the dynamic weighing technology is developing rapidly. Weighing system made significant progress in the digital and intelligent, the research of Weighing system has entered a new phase. Belted dynamic weight equipment is designed for continuous weighing the bulk solids or powders on conveyor belt. And it is widely used in the fields of electricity, chemical, coal and food. However, our related products generally with single function and low precision. Therefore, the improvement of existing weighing devices, research and development functional dynamic weighing system is imperative. This paper presents a belted dynamic weighing system based on SCM, which is a good solution to this problem. In this paper, the overall structure of the weighing system is present first, and detailed analysis of the system model and working principle. It analyzes the cause of dynamic measurement errors, and builds a mathematical model for dynamic measurement errors of single-idler electronic belt conveyor scale. According to the model, the proposed approach use algorithm to correct errors. Solved the problem of low dynamic measurement accuracy. Then the design of system hardware and software is present. And data processing algorithms and their programming design. System uses 24-bit precision A/D converter AD7730 convert the weighing s


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