汽车新品牌区域营销战略研究 毕业论文.docx

汽车新品牌区域营销战略研究 毕业论文.docx

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天津中德职业技术学院毕 业 论 文汽车新品牌区域营销战略研究所属部门:航汽学院汽车教研室专 业:汽车技术服务与营销学生姓名:×××指导教师:×××二〇一三年四月摘 要随着市场经济的发展,我国的汽车市场也越来越活跃,在经历了金融危机这场寒冬之后,正步入平稳增长阶段。然而,我国的汽车市场还不成熟,竞争还不充分,各汽车企业也只是以简单的价格战和产品战作为开拓市场的主要策略,忽略了市场的区域性差异化特点。同时,我国自主汽车品牌还要与国外汽车企业巨头争夺市场,而由于技术、体制、机制上因素,我国汽车企业普遍缺乏品牌竞争力。这些都要求我国汽车企业尽快建立起符合市场机制和国际规范的经营体制和管理模式,及时制定相应的营销战略,提高企业的整体竞争力。本文的研究将实现帮助汽车企业制定合理的营销战略,以适应不同的区域市场环境。汽车新品牌区域营销战略研究是汽车市场营销的重要分支,也是当前各汽车企业重点研究的内容。本文首先概述了目前我国汽车市场的营销现状的相关数据,其次根据数据分析了我国汽车市场的区域性差异化特征,然后针对这些特征提出了制定与市场区域性特征相适应的营销战略的建议,接着引用了比亚迪汽车公司应用区域市场营销战略的例子,最后得出了汽车企业应根据不同区域市场的差异化特征制定相应的营销战略的结论。关键字:区域化 差异化 营销战略 新品牌AbstractWith the development of market economy, China's auto market is also increasingly active in the aftermath of the financial crisis this winter, is entering a stage of steady growth. However, China's auto market is not mature, the competition is not sufficient, the auto companies also just a simple price war and war as the main strategy to open up the market, ignoring the regional differences in characteristics of the market. The same time, China's own car brands have to compete with foreign auto companies giant market, technology, systems and mechanisms factors, China's auto enterprises generally lack the competitiveness of the brand. These require the auto companies in China as soon as possible to establish in line with market mechanisms and international norms operating system and management model, to develop appropriate marketing strategies, and improve the overall competitiveness of enterprises. This study will help the auto companies to develop a reasonable marketing strategy to adapt to the different areas of the market environment.New car brands Regional Marketing Strategy is an important branch of the automotive marketing, but also the contents of the current auto companies focus on. This paper begins with an overview of the current marketing status quo of China's auto market data, followed by regional differences in characteristics of China's auto market, according to data analysis and then fo


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