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The Handbook of Economic Sociology - S E C O N D E D I T I O N Neil J. Smelser and Richa~dSwed berg- E D ITO RS P R I N C E T O N U N I V E R S I T Y PRESS RUSSFJLL SAGF. F O U K D A T I O N P R I N C E T 0 3 A N I I O X F O R D N E W Y O R K -- 2 Comparative and Historical Approaches to Economic Sociology Frank Dobbin Students nf economic behavior have long sub- sucial context shapes economic behavior-that scribed to the commonsense view that natural laws modern rational behavior is learned, not innate. govern economic life. In the dscipline of econom- The comparative and historical method is onc ics, the prevahng view is that economic behavior is of smio1os comparative advantagw. Sociologists determined exogenously, by a force outside of so- more frequently usr this mcrhcd than do econo- ciety, rather than endogenously, by forces withln. mists,and the methnd itself tends to hiyght con- Sclf-interest is that force, and it is exogenous ro so- textual flerences in economic heh~vior;This cider- ciety because it is inborn-part of human nature. ence between the d x l p h e s emerged only Self-interest guides human behavior toward the h r the two disciplint be-gttl ;ls otlc. As ciononlics most efficient means to particular ends. If eco- moved toward highlystyli rational-actor rncKic.1~ nomic behavior is instinctual, the reasoiling goes, and away From compmcivc and histcbricd studies, we need to know little about society to prehct early analysts who emphasi7,rd thc rolr of social in- beha\inr.


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