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一、单项选择题:(1’*20=20’) ( ) . Baby girls _________ in pink because according to________ European story, girls were born inside pink roses. A. wear; a B. dressed ; an C. were dressed ; a D. wear; / ( ) 2. -Do you like chatting with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone? -_________. I would rather __________ QQ. A. Either; use B. Neither; use C. Both; to use D. Neither; to use ( ) 3. — With the red skirt _______ her, Jane looks prettier. — Yes. I’m a little green _______ envy. I wish I were as pretty as her. A. on; with B. in; on C. on; in D. in; with ( ) 4. The boy felt very _______ and fell _______ as soon as he lay on the bed. A. sleepy; sleepy B. asleep; asleep C. sleepy; asleep D. asleep; sleepy ( ) 5. — I wonder if your father _______ you to go swimming. — I’m not sure. But I will tell you if he _______ to let me join you. A. will allow; will agree B. allows; agrees C. allows; will agree D. will allow; agrees ( ) 6. _______ it’s very foggy, the highway is closed for the time being. A. Where B. As C. Because of D. So ( ) 7. Students in their school ___________ trees on Tree Planting Day every year. A. require to plant B. require planting C. are required to plant D. are required planting ( ) 8. The painting you drew is beautiful. But why not paint the walls ________ . A blue B in green C to white D with pink ( ) 9. Mary said that she __________ to Guangzhou. A. has never gone B. had never gone C. has never been D. had never been ( ) 10. ---What kind of volunteer work would you like to do? ---I’d like to __________ sick kids in hospital. A. find out B. look up C. cheer up D. hand out ( ) 11. In the bookshop, a reader asked the shopkeeper _______ Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book. A. that B. how C. that if


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