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托福阅读【背景机经】:6招教你学会理财 小马过河为大家准备了“【托福阅读】背景机经:6招教你学会理财”, 供各位备考托福的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的托福成绩!免费咨询电话:400-0123-267。   The word “budget” has such a negative connotation in today’s society. Individuals associate the act of budgeting with some sort of militant regimen that hinders them from having any sort of flexibility with their money.   “预算”这个词似乎在当今社会略带贬义。人们常常会用类似于军事化的规则来控制预算,好让他们在金钱这块不至于手头过紧。   The end result? Failure.   最后的结果呢?当然是失败。   Fortunately, there are a number of ways to prevent your budget from failing and make it work for you, minus the ball and chain.   好在,这里有很多方法可以让你免于财政赤字,减轻你的负担。   Before you create your budget, track spending for at least one month to get a better idea of where your money actually goes. Once you’ve taken this pertinent step, consider the following tips to help you stay on track throughout the month.   在设立预算之前,先来对自己一个月的支出进行大概的追踪,这样才能了解自己的钱到底花在什么地方去了。一旦这个步骤完成,再来根据下面的贴士来帮你控制每月的支出吧。   1) Be as specific as possible.   越详细越好。   Fluffy budgets are destined for failure because they do not consider all the key factors. Big expenses are important, but it is the little things that will usually send you flying off the deep-end. If your budget demonstrates that you can cover all your fixed expenses with a little change to spare, you may feel somewhat satisfied until you realize midway through the month that things are going down-hill because you forgot to incorporate the daily visit to the nearest fast-food joint for lunch.   太过宽泛的记账当然不会有效,因为他们忽视了所有的关键因素。大的支出固然重要,但小的支出才是真正让你月月光的原因。如果你的预算显示除去每月固定开销之外,还有部分结余可供支配,但实际上不到月中你就已经破产,为什么呢?还不就是因为你忽视了每天都需要去就近快餐店支付的午餐费么。   Bottom line: every cent counts, so be sure to include those variable expenses down to the penny. To help you track variable spending, it may be a good idea to incorporate the envelope system. That way, your budget won’t stand a chance at failing.   建议:每分钱都很重要,所以别忘记把那些小钱也算在开销里面。要想记下纷杂的开销,不妨考虑一下信封系统。这样,你的预算绝对不会超支了。   2) Set realistic expectations.   设立现实点的期望   It never hurts to dream big, but actually maki



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