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学校英语口语人机对话模拟测试 测试分为四个阶段: 1.准备阶段,主要是准备课文的阅读和口头作文。 2.阅读课文。 3.根据课文回答所给问题。 4.口头作文。 应注意以下几点: 首先测试时一定要按提示操作,比如说给了5分钟准备时间,就要快速浏览一遍所要读的文章,理解中心思想,以便答题时做好充分的准备。 其次在读.文章时要用心读,记住重点句子和词,还要注意掌握好语速,语调和时间,这样才有利于后面的答题。 最后在整个考试过程中声音要洪亮,否则机器录不上。平时的积累很重要,只有在平时好好练习,注重单词的发音,语气的升降以及句子的停顿,才能在真正考试时做到得心应手。 (一)朗读 用正确的语音语调朗读以下内容。 Once there was a farmer who lived near a road. It was not a busy road, but from time to time, cars passed the farm. Near the farm gate, there was a large hole in the road. This hole was always full of water, and the drivers of the cars could not see how deep the hole was. Then when they drove into the hole, they could not drive out because it was so deep . The farmer did not spend much time working on his farm. He spent most of time watching the hole. When a car drove into it, he pulled the car out and charged the driver a lot of money for doing this. One day, the driver of a car said to him, You must make a lot of money pulling cars out of this hole night and day. Oh, no, the farmer said. I don t pull cars out of the hole at night. At night I fill the hole with water. (二)回答问题 根据实际情况回答下列问题。 1.电脑:What were you doing at nine o’clock yesterday evening? 2.电脑:Have you ever been to a history museum? 3.电脑:How often do you go to the movies? 4.电脑:What’s your favourite subject? 5.电脑:How do you study for an English test? (一)朗读 用正确的语音语调朗读以下内容。 Mrs Green lives in a small village. Her husband is dead, but she has one son. He is twenty-one and his name is Tom. He worked in the shop in the village and lived with his mother, but then he got a job in a town and lived there. It is quite a long way from his mothers village, and she is not happy about this, but Tom said, There isnt any good work for me in the country, Mother, and I can get a lot of money there and send you some every week. Mrs Green was very angry last Sunday. She got in a train and went to her sons house. Then she said to him, Tom, why do you never phone me? Tom laughed. But, Mother, he said, you havent got a phone.


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