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安全知识---三氟化氮(NF3)安全操作实践 1. General概述 Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) is a toxic, colorless, odorless, nonflammable, oxidizing compressed gas NF3offers the advantages of relative ease of use at ambient conditions and the ability to act as a fluorinating agent. Because of these factors, it has gained commercial acceptance in a number of applications. The electronics industry uses it in plasma and thermal cleaning applications for its advantages such as high etch rates, high selectivity, carbon-free etching, and minimal residual contamination. NF3 is also used as a fluorine source in high energy chemical lasers, owing to its ease of use relative to fluorine gas. NF3is also used as an intermediate in the production of specialized chemicals. 三氟化氮(NF3)是有毒、无色、无嗅、不可燃的氧化性压缩气体。NF3具有在室温条件下相对容易使用和可以用作氟化剂的优点。由于这些因素,它在许多应用中获得了广泛的认可。由于它的优点,如高蚀刻率、高选择性、无碳蚀刻和最小限度的残留污染,电子工业把它用在等离子和热清洁应用中。由于它相对于氟气更容易使用,NF3在高能化学激光器中用作氟源。在特殊化学品的生产中NF3还用作媒介。 NF3is available in a variety of grades and at purity levels in excess of 99.999 % due to advanced purification techniques developed by Air Products. Table 1 lists the physical and chemical properties of NF3. NF3有多种等级,由于Air Products发展的先进的净化技术,还有纯度超过的99.999 %的NF3。表1列出了NF3的物理和化学性质。 2. Key Considerations关键的考虑 Health Effects对健康的影响 NF3 is not hazardous by skin contact and is a relatively minor irritant to the eyes and mucous membranes. 皮肤接触NF3是没有危险的。对于眼睛和黏膜,它是一个相对程度较轻的刺激物。 Over-exposure to NF3via inhalation induces the conversion of hemoglobin to methemoglobin. The formation of methemoglobin reduces the amount of oxygen available to body tissues. This can lead to chemical cyanosis, headache, dizziness, weakness, confusion, and other manifestations associated with a reduced oxygen supply. Hemolytic anemia, enlargement of the spleen, and pathologic changes in the liver, kidneys, and heart muscle may occur as secondary effects of methemoglobinemia, which is reversible. At the cessation of NF3exposure, methemoglobin reverts back to hemoglobin. While methemoglobinemi


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