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46 4 Aug. 2008 2008 8 Chem ical Fertilizer Design # 27# 耐硫低温变换工艺进展及中温水解的应用 1 2 , ( 1. , 255400; 2. , 255422) : 随着合成氨联产甲醇工艺的应用, 甲醇合成催化剂易受微量硫中毒而失活的问题十分 遍对比了中串 低工艺全低变工艺中低低工艺各自的特点和优缺点; 介绍了合成氨联醇的工艺流程和精脱硫工艺流程; 提出了 采用带中温水解脱除有机硫的无饱和塔变换流程解决有机硫含量高的技术改造方案 : 耐硫低温变换工艺; 联醇; 中串低; 全低变; 中低低; 中温水解 : Q 113. 264 : A : 1004- 8901( 2008) 04- 0027- 05 Progress for AntiOsu lfur Low Temperature Sh ift Process and App lication forM iddle Temperature Hydrolysis GUO YuOfeng , Q I L iOm ing ( 1. Q ilu Petrochem ical Comp any sResearch Institute, Zibo Shandong 255400 Ch ina 2. Z iboX inp ong Chem icalA ssistan t P lan,t Z ibo Shandong 255422 China) Abstract: W ith the developing and apply ing for combinative production ofm ethanolw ith the synthetic ammonia, the problem, that them ethanol syn- thesis catalyst is easy activeOfree due to poisoning of trace sulfur, exists very comm only. Author has compared the respective characteristics and the advan- tages/ shortages for the m iddle to low temperature shift process, fully low temperature shift process, m iddleOlowOlow temperature shift process; has intro- duced the process flow for combinative production m ethanolw ith ammonia synthesis and the fine deOsulfur process flow; has proposed the technical refor- m ation schem e using the shift processw ithout saturator including them iddle temperature hydrolysis to rem ove the organic sulfur in order to solve the high content of organic sulfur. K ey w ords: antiOsulfur low temperature shift process; combinative production of m ethano;l m iddle to low temperature shift; fully low temperature shift; m iddleOlow Olow temperature shift; m iddle temperature hydrolysis.


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