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中文题目:基于B/S的家庭理财管理系统的设计与实现 外文题目:Design and implementation of family financial management system based on B / S 毕业设计(论文)共页(其中:外文文献及译文页)图纸共0张 完成日期 2011年6月 答辩日期2011年6月 摘要 近年来,家庭理财日益受到家庭的关注。一个理性的家庭,不应仅仅满足于一般意义上的“食饱衣暖”。当手头现有的资金还算充裕的时候,就应该根据家庭自身的特点,寻找一些最适合自己的投资领域与投资工具,获取尽可能高的收益率。家庭理财需要理财者对家庭的现状与未来有一个系统的把握和长期的打算,除合理分配家庭的财务支出外,同时还要学会钱生钱,最起码能抵消通货膨胀的影响。本系统设计的是一套功能比较完善的家庭理财系统。该系统的开发是以ECLIPSE作为开发平台,应用JSP技术作为前台开发语言,应用my sql 数据库来作为后台的数据库对本系统用到的数据进行存储和提取。家庭理财系统基于B/S模式,功能主要包括家庭成员管理功能,理财计划功能,收支管理功能,银行账户管理功能及统计管理部分。本家庭理财系统是使用计算机进行信息管理,不仅提高了工作效率,而且操作简便、界面友好、灵活、实用,能够很好的满足家庭从事财务管理方面的需要。 关键词: B/S 家庭理财 Jsp 管理 Abstract In recent years ,Family finance is drawing more and more familys attenion day by day.A rational family,should not merely satisfy in the gengeral significance the food fullclothes is warm.When there are abundant funds on hand ,you shoule find some of the most suitable for their investment domain and investment tools based on the familys characteristics to obtain the most return as possible.Financial manager shoule has a system assurance and long-term plans of the family present situation and the future .Besides the rational of distribution family financial disbursement,meanwhile he must study the to how get more money by the money he has,at least he is able to offset the impact of inflation .This syetem is designed for familys financial managemnet .System uses ECLIPSE as the development platform,and JSP technology as foreground Programming Language and my sql database as the background database to storge and retrieval the data. System Based on B / S mode,and the function of the system mainly includes the daily consumption and income records as well as the statistics management . This family manages finances the system is uses the computer to carry on the information management, not only enhanced the working efficiency, moreover operates, the contact surface simply friendly, nimble, practical, can the very good satisfied family be engaged in the financial con



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