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毕业设计(论文) 某小型数字图书馆的设计与实现 论文作者姓名: 申请学位专业: 申请学位类别: 指导教师姓名(职称): 论文提交日期: 某小型数字图书馆的设计与实现 摘 要 随着信息技术的迅猛发展,传统图书管理方式已不能满足现代化的图书管理需要。为了跟上信息时代的步伐,数字化图书管理系统应运而生。数字化图书管理系统主要用于对图书、读者、以及借阅的管理。它不仅能够简化人们的工作,系统化地对图书和读者进行管理,及时的统计出所有的借书记录;而且还能够给读者提供在线图书查询,以及公告新闻等功能,让读者能够了解到图书馆的最新动态,其用途很广,可以用于各高校的图书馆,企业集团的藏书中心,以及提供借阅业务的大型书店等。 本系统的开发是基于B/S结构,采用ASP程序设计语言及SQL Server 2000数据库进行开发;主要完成了系统的总体设计与规划、图书数据库的设计、系统页面的制作与美化、系统安全级别的定制和系统程序的编写、调试与修改等工作。本文首先对数字图书管理系统进行了需求分析;然后较详细的设计和实现了数字图书管理系统的数据库及各功能模块,包括前台管理、图书检索、图书借阅、在线电子图书阅览、图书公告、留言和后台管理等功能模块;最后,通过测试与分析,说明该系统运行稳定、可靠,具有一定的实用价值。 关键词:数字图书馆;图书检索;图书借阅;数据库;在线电子图书 Design and Implementation of A Small Digital Library Abstract With the violent development of information technology, the traditional library management methods could not be satisfied with the needs of the modern library management. In order to follow the step of the information times, the digitized library management system arises at the historic moment. The digitized library management system mainly uses in the management to the books, the reader, as well as borrows. It not only can simplify peoples work, manage the readers and the books systematically, promptly statistics all the records of the borrows, but also provides functions, such as on line inquiry for readers, BBS and so on, which lets readers be able to understand the newest tendency of library. Its use is very broad, may use in various universities library, the collection center of enterprise, as well as provides borrows’ service of the large-scale bookstore and so on. This system development is based on the B/S structure, uses the ASP programming language and SQL Server 2000 databases to carry on the development. This paper mainly has completed the design and the plan of system, the design of books database, the manufacture and beautified of system page, the custom-made of system security rank, the programming, debugging and revising of system program, etc. This paper has carried on the demand analysis to the digital



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